xlsgen > overview > Chart custom properties |
Custom properties expose those properties that are specific to a given chart type.
Custom properties are available in two ways :
- for the current chart, thanks to the
property of the chart object.
- whenever a combinatorial chart is used, for instance when you take one series, and switch the bars to lines, the
property is available from that series object to let you customize it further.
Here are the meaning of custom properties, categorized.
- all bar/cylinder/cone/pyramid charts
- all stackable charts (bars, lines, areas)
- Stacked
- StackedAndStretched
- all charts
- SeriesOverlap
- SeriesGap
- ChartPositionOffsetTop
- ChartPositionOffsetLeft
- ChartPositionOffsetBottom
- ChartPositionOffsetRight
- ChartInterpolateEmptyCells
- ChartResizeOption
- ChartPrintObject
- ChartLocked
- ChartOnlyShowVisibleCells
- ChartStyle (XLSX/XLSB files)
- all stand-alone charts
- all bar pie line charts
- all pie charts
- PieStartAngle
- PieShowLeaderLines
- PieDoughnutDistance
- PieExplodedSliceDistance
- PieBuddyOptions
- PieDataLabelLineOptions
- all line charts
- DropLines
- HighLowLines
- UpDownBars
- LineAutoMarkers
- LineAutoSmooth
- all bubble charts
- BubbleShowNegatives
- BubbleRepresentsArea
- BubbleScalePercent
- all bar charts
- BarLinesBetweenDataElements
- all surface/contour charts
- Outlier chart
- OutlierPercent
- OutlierAbsoluteMaximum
- OutlierAbsoluteMinimum
- LowPass filter chart
- Outlier and low pass filter charts
- Waterfall chart
- Histogram chart
- HistogramBinWidth
- HistogramBinCount
- HistogramOverflowValue
- HistogramUnderflowValue
- HistogramByCategory
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