xlsgen > overview > Table subtotals

An additional xlsgen business intelligence feature is the support for subtotals, that is the ability to aggregate data along a numeric axis and accordingly to table breaks. The aggregate function lets one customize the process. Among the functions are :

sumadds each value along the axis
mincomputes the minimum value along the axis
maxcomputes the maximum value along the axis
averagecomputes the arithmetic mean value along the axis
countcomputes how many values along the axis
diffcomputes differences between break groups (example : year over year differences)
diffpcomputes differences in % between break groups (example : year over year differences)

The capabilities are exposed in the IXlsTableSubtotals interface.

Breaks must be created prior adding one or more subtotals.

There can be more than one subtotal along a given axis. For instance, one can compute the minimum and maximum along an axis.


Creating subtotals

Here is the raw data we are working with :

Raw data before creating subtotals


We are willing to know what are the minimum and maximum values of the sales index according to each city. It's very simple to obtain it :

Java code

XlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("City").getBreaks();

XlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("Sales index");

XlsTableSubtotal sts = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales);
sts.putLabel("min = ");

XlsTableSubtotal stm = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales);
stm.putLabel("max = ");

VB code

Dim pb As IXlsTableBreaks 
Set pb = worksheet.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("City").Breaks

Dim tcSales As IXlsTableColumn 
Set tcSales = worksheet.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("Sales index")

Dim sts As IXlsTableSubtotal 
Set sts = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales)
sts.BuiltinFunction = xlsgen.enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_min
sts.Label = "min = "

Dim stm As IXlsTableSubtotal 
Set stm = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales)
stm.BuiltinFunction = xlsgen.enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_max
stm.Label = "max = "

C# code

IXlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("City").Breaks;

IXlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("Sales index");

IXlsTableSubtotal sts = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales);
sts.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_min;
sts.Label = "min = ";

IXlsTableSubtotal stm = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales);
stm.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_max;
stm.Label = "max = ";

C/C++ code

IXlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"City"]->Breaks;

IXlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"Sales index"];

IXlsTableSubtotal sts = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales);
sts->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_min;
sts->Label = L"min = ";

IXlsTableSubtotal stm = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales);
stm->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_max;
stm->Label = L"max = ";


And the following result is obtained :

Min and max subtotals


Internally, xlsgen does build actual Excel formulas, computes them and put their results in cells in the footer of each break.


Year over year differences

xlsgen can compute financial reports involving year-over-year differences, for instances across quarters. This can be done without much configuration.

Year over year differences. Above is the data source used as input


Year over year differences in rows 30 and 35. The financial report, calculated by xlsgen


And below is the corresponding source code in full :

Java code

XlsWorksheet wksht = workbook.getWorksheetByIndex(1);

// automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...)


// break time data by quarter

XlsTableColumn tcDates = wksht.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("date");

tcDates.getMap().TimeSeries(xlsgen.formulalanguage_en, xlsgen.timeseries_quarters, true);

XlsTableBreaks pb = tcDates.getBreaks();

// year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012)

XlsTableColumn tcSales = wksht.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("Sales");

XlsTableSubtotal st = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales);


// group by


// insert the financial report

XlsWorksheet wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year");

wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.getTables().getItem(1), 2, 1);

VB code

Dim wksht As IXlsWorksheet 
Set wksht = workbook.WorksheetByIndex(1)

' automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...)


' break time data by quarter

Dim tcDates As IXlsTableColumn 
Set tcDates = wksht.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("date")

tcDates.Map.TimeSeries(enumFormulaLanguage.formulalanguage_en, enumMapTimeSeries.timeseries_quarters, True)

Dim pb As IXlsTableBreaks 
Set pb = tcDates.Breaks

' year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012)

Dim tcSales As IXlsTableColumn 
Set tcSales = wksht.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("Sales")

Dim st As IXlsTableSubtotal 
Set st = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales)
st.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_diffp


' group by


' insert the financial report

Dim wksht_yoy As IXlsWorksheet 
Set wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year")

wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.Tables.Item(1), 2, 1)

C# code

IXlsWorksheet wksht = workbook.get_WorksheetByIndex(1);

// automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...)


// break time data by quarter

IXlsTableColumn tcDates = wksht.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("date");

tcDates.Map.TimeSeries(enumFormulaLanguage.formulalanguage_en, enumMapTimeSeries.timeseries_quarters, true);

IXlsTableBreaks pb = tcDates.Breaks;

// year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012)

IXlsTableColumn tcSales = wksht.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("Sales");

IXlsTableSubtotal st = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales);
st.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_diffp;


// group by


// insert the financial report

IXlsWorksheet wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year");

wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.Tables.get_Item(1), 2, 1);

C/C++ code

xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = workbook->WorksheetByIndex[1];

// automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...)


// break time data by quarter

xlsgen::IXlsTableColumnPtr tcDates = wksht->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"date"];

tcDates->Map->TimeSeries(xlsgen::formulalanguage_en, xlsgen::timeseries_quarters, TRUE);

xlsgen::IXlsTableBreaksPtr pb = tcDates->Breaks;

// year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012)

xlsgen::IXlsTableColumnPtr tcSales = wksht->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"Sales"];

xlsgen::IXlsTableSubtotalPtr st = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales);
st->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_diffp;


// group by


// insert the financial report

xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht_yoy = workbook->AddWorksheet(L"Year over year");

wksht_yoy->InsertTableAt(wksht->Tables->Item[1], 2, 1);


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