xlsgen > overview > Table subtotals |
An additional xlsgen business intelligence feature is the support for subtotals, that is the ability to aggregate data along a numeric axis and accordingly to table breaks. The aggregate function lets one customize the process. Among the functions are :
function | description |
sum | adds each value along the axis |
min | computes the minimum value along the axis |
max | computes the maximum value along the axis |
average | computes the arithmetic mean value along the axis |
count | computes how many values along the axis |
diff | computes differences between break groups (example : year over year differences) |
diffp | computes differences in % between break groups (example : year over year differences) |
The capabilities are exposed in the IXlsTableSubtotals interface.
Breaks must be created prior adding one or more subtotals.
There can be more than one subtotal along a given axis. For instance, one can compute the minimum and maximum along an axis.
Here is the raw data we are working with :
We are willing to know what are the minimum and maximum values of the sales index according to each city. It's very simple to obtain it :
Java code |
worksheet.getTables().InferFromWorksheet(); XlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("City").getBreaks(); pb.DistinctValues(); XlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("Sales index"); XlsTableSubtotal sts = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales); sts.putBuiltinFunction(xlsgen.subtotalfunc_min); sts.putLabel("min = "); XlsTableSubtotal stm = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales); stm.putBuiltinFunction(xlsgen.subtotalfunc_max); stm.putLabel("max = "); pb.Apply(); |
VB code |
worksheet.Tables.InferFromWorksheet() Dim pb As IXlsTableBreaks Set pb = worksheet.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("City").Breaks pb.DistinctValues Dim tcSales As IXlsTableColumn Set tcSales = worksheet.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("Sales index") Dim sts As IXlsTableSubtotal Set sts = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales) sts.BuiltinFunction = xlsgen.enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_min sts.Label = "min = " Dim stm As IXlsTableSubtotal Set stm = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales) stm.BuiltinFunction = xlsgen.enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_max stm.Label = "max = " pb.Apply |
C# code |
worksheet.Tables.InferFromWorksheet(); IXlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("City").Breaks; pb.DistinctValues(); IXlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("Sales index"); IXlsTableSubtotal sts = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales); sts.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_min; sts.Label = "min = "; IXlsTableSubtotal stm = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales); stm.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_max; stm.Label = "max = "; pb.Apply(); |
C/C++ code |
worksheet->Tables->InferFromWorksheet(); IXlsTableBreaks pb = worksheet->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"City"]->Breaks; pb->DistinctValues(); IXlsTableColumn tcSales = worksheet->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"Sales index"]; IXlsTableSubtotal sts = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales); sts->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_min; sts->Label = L"min = "; IXlsTableSubtotal stm = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales); stm->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_max; stm->Label = L"max = "; pb.Apply(): |
And the following result is obtained :
Internally, xlsgen does build actual Excel formulas, computes them and put their results in cells in the footer of each break.
xlsgen can compute financial reports involving year-over-year differences, for instances across quarters. This can be done without much configuration.
And below is the corresponding source code in full :
Java code |
XlsWorksheet wksht = workbook.getWorksheetByIndex(1); // automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...) wksht.getTables().InferFromWorksheet(); // break time data by quarter XlsTableColumn tcDates = wksht.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("date"); tcDates.getMap().TimeSeries(xlsgen.formulalanguage_en, xlsgen.timeseries_quarters, true); XlsTableBreaks pb = tcDates.getBreaks(); pb.DistinctValues(); // year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012) XlsTableColumn tcSales = wksht.getTables().getItem(1).getDataResults().getColumns().getItemByName("Sales"); XlsTableSubtotal st = pb.getSubtotals().Add(tcSales); st.putBuiltinFunction(xlsgen.subtotalfunc_diffp); pb.Apply(); // group by tcDates.putGroupBy(xlsgen.groupby_showmergedcells); // insert the financial report XlsWorksheet wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year"); wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.getTables().getItem(1), 2, 1); |
VB code |
Dim wksht As IXlsWorksheet Set wksht = workbook.WorksheetByIndex(1) ' automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...) wksht.Tables.InferFromWorksheet ' break time data by quarter Dim tcDates As IXlsTableColumn Set tcDates = wksht.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("date") tcDates.Map.TimeSeries(enumFormulaLanguage.formulalanguage_en, enumMapTimeSeries.timeseries_quarters, True) Dim pb As IXlsTableBreaks Set pb = tcDates.Breaks pb.DistinctValues ' year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012) Dim tcSales As IXlsTableColumn Set tcSales = wksht.Tables.Item(1).DataResults.Columns.ItemByName("Sales") Dim st As IXlsTableSubtotal Set st = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales) st.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_diffp pb.Apply ' group by tcDates.GroupBy(enumGroupBy.groupby_showmergedcells) ' insert the financial report Dim wksht_yoy As IXlsWorksheet Set wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year") wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.Tables.Item(1), 2, 1) |
C# code |
IXlsWorksheet wksht = workbook.get_WorksheetByIndex(1); // automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...) wksht.Tables.InferFromWorksheet(); // break time data by quarter IXlsTableColumn tcDates = wksht.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("date"); tcDates.Map.TimeSeries(enumFormulaLanguage.formulalanguage_en, enumMapTimeSeries.timeseries_quarters, true); IXlsTableBreaks pb = tcDates.Breaks; pb.DistinctValues(); // year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012) IXlsTableColumn tcSales = wksht.Tables.get_Item(1).DataResults.Columns.get_ItemByName("Sales"); IXlsTableSubtotal st = pb.Subtotals.Add(tcSales); st.BuiltinFunction = enumSubtotalFunction.subtotalfunc_diffp; pb.Apply(); // group by tcDates.GroupBy(enumGroupBy.groupby_showmergedcells); // insert the financial report IXlsWorksheet wksht_yoy = workbook.AddWorksheet("Year over year"); wksht_yoy.InsertTableAt(wksht.Tables.get_Item(1), 2, 1); |
C/C++ code |
xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = workbook->WorksheetByIndex[1]; // automatically infer the data structure (data types, headers, ...) wksht->Tables->InferFromWorksheet(); // break time data by quarter xlsgen::IXlsTableColumnPtr tcDates = wksht->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"date"]; tcDates->Map->TimeSeries(xlsgen::formulalanguage_en, xlsgen::timeseries_quarters, TRUE); xlsgen::IXlsTableBreaksPtr pb = tcDates->Breaks; pb->DistinctValues(); // year-over-year differences (eg. Q2 2013 compared to Q2 2012) xlsgen::IXlsTableColumnPtr tcSales = wksht->Tables->Item[1]->DataResults->Columns->ItemByName[L"Sales"]; xlsgen::IXlsTableSubtotalPtr st = pb->Subtotals->Add(tcSales); st->BuiltinFunction = xlsgen::subtotalfunc_diffp; pb->Apply(); // group by tcDates->GroupBy(xlsgen::groupby_showmergedcells); // insert the financial report xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht_yoy = workbook->AddWorksheet(L"Year over year"); wksht_yoy->InsertTableAt(wksht->Tables->Item[1], 2, 1); |
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