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interface IXlsChartBorderStyle : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT Type([out, retval]enumChartBorder* type);
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT Type([in]enumChartBorder type);
  [id(2),propget] HRESULT Style([out, retval]enumChartBorderStyle* style);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT Style([in]enumChartBorderStyle style);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT Color([out, retval]int* nRGB);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT Color([in]int nRGB);
  [id(4),propget] HRESULT Weight([out, retval]enumChartBorderWeight* weight);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT Weight([in]enumChartBorderWeight weight);
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT Shadow([out, retval]BOOL* shadow);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT Shadow([in]BOOL shadow);
  [id(6),propget] HRESULT RoundCorners([out, retval]BOOL* roundcorners);
  [id(6),propput] HRESULT RoundCorners([in]BOOL roundcorners);
  [id(7),propget] HRESULT SmoothedLine([out, retval]BOOL* smoothedline);
  [id(7),propput] HRESULT SmoothedLine([in]BOOL smoothedline);
  [id(8),propget] HRESULT Width([out, retval]double* width);
  [id(8),propput] HRESULT Width([in]double width);
  [id(9),propget] HRESULT ArrowStyleBeginCap([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapeArrow** beginCap);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT ArrowStyleEndCap([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapeArrow** endCap);



HRESULT Type([out, retval]enumChartBorder* type);
returns the border style type.

HRESULT Type([in]enumChartBorder type);
sets the border style type.

HRESULT Style([out, retval]enumChartBorderStyle* style);
returns the custom border style.

HRESULT Style([in]enumChartBorderStyle style);
sets the custom border style.

HRESULT Color([out, retval]int* nRGB);
returns the custom border color.

HRESULT Color([in]int nRGB);
sets the custom border color. Color is expressed using a typical RGB value.

HRESULT Weight([out, retval]enumChartBorderWeight* weight);
returns the custom border weight.

HRESULT Weight([in]enumChartBorderWeight weight);
sets the custom border weight.

HRESULT Shadow([out, retval]BOOL* shadow);
returns whether the borders have a shadow.

HRESULT Shadow([in]BOOL shadow);
sets whether the borders have a shadow.

HRESULT RoundCorners([out, retval]BOOL* roundcorners);
returns whether the borders have round corners.

HRESULT RoundCorners([in]BOOL roundcorners);
sets whether the borders have round corners.

HRESULT SmoothedLine([out, retval]BOOL* smoothedline);
returns whether the line is smoothed. Applies to line markers. Default is no.

HRESULT SmoothedLine([in]BOOL smoothedline);
sets whether the line is smoothed. Applies to line markers. Default is no.

HRESULT Width([out, retval]double* width);
returns the custom border width in pixels. The width is more accurate (float) and open than the weight (enumeration).

HRESULT Width([in]double width);
sets the custom border width in pixels. The width is more accurate (float) and open than the weight (enumeration).

HRESULT ArrowStyleBeginCap([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapeArrow** beginCap);
returns the arrow style of the begin cap. Not always applicable.

HRESULT ArrowStyleEndCap([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapeArrow** endCap);
returns the arrow style of the end cap. Not always applicable.