IXlsChartDataSource |
COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )
interface IXlsChartDataSource : IDispatch
[id(1),propput] HRESULT Range([in] BSTR sourcerange);
[id(1),propget] HRESULT Range([out,retval] BSTR* sourcerange);
[id(2),propput] HRESULT SeriesInRows([in] BOOL bSeriesInRows);
[id(2),propget] HRESULT SeriesInRows([out,retval] BOOL* bSeriesInRows);
[id(3),propput] HRESULT SeriesTitleDepth([in] int seriesdepth);
[id(3),propget] HRESULT SeriesTitleDepth([out,retval] int* seriesdepth);
[id(4),propput] HRESULT DataLabelDepth([in] int datalabeldepth);
[id(4),propget] HRESULT DataLabelDepth([out,retval] int* datalabeldepth);
[id(5),propput] HRESULT SeriesPerRangeArea([in] int seriesperrangearea);
[id(5),propget] HRESULT SeriesPerRangeArea([out,retval] int* seriesperrangearea);
[id(6),propget] HRESULT SeriesCount([out,retval]int* seriescount);
[id(7),propput] HRESULT PointsPerSeries([in] double pointsRatio);
[id(7),propget] HRESULT PointsPerSeries([out,retval] double* pointsRatio);
HRESULT Range([in] BSTR sourcerange);
defines the boundaries of the chart, including titles. The range can be a union of rectangular areas.
HRESULT Range([out,retval] BSTR* sourcerange);
returns the boundaries of the chart, including titles. The range can be a union of rectangular areas.
HRESULT SeriesInRows([in] BOOL bSeriesInRows);
sets whether the series are in rows, rather than in columns. Default is in columns.
HRESULT SeriesInRows([out,retval] BOOL* bSeriesInRows);
tells whether the series are in rows, rather than in columns. Default is in columns.
HRESULT SeriesTitleDepth([in] int seriesdepth);
sets how many titles per series. Default is auto-detected series title depth based on string versus number comparisons. Possible values are zero, one, two, ..., up to the width or height of the table boundaries.
HRESULT SeriesTitleDepth([out,retval] int* seriesdepth);
tells how many titles per series. Default is auto-detected series title depth based on string versus number comparisons. Possible values are zero, one, two, ..., up to the width or height of the table boundaries.
HRESULT DataLabelDepth([in] int datalabeldepth);
sets how many labels for each data label. Default is auto-detected data label depth based on string versus number comparisons. Possible values are zero, one, two, ..., up to the width or height of the table boundaries.
HRESULT DataLabelDepth([out,retval] int* datalabeldepth);
tells how many labels for each data label. Default is auto-detected data label depth based on string versus number comparisons. Possible values are zero, one, two, ..., up to the width or height of the table boundaries.
HRESULT SeriesPerRangeArea([in] int seriesperrangearea);
sets how many series to be processed for each range area slice of the source range. Default is automatically computed based on other options.
HRESULT SeriesPerRangeArea([out,retval] int* seriesperrangearea);
tells how many series to be processed for each range area slice of the source range. Default is automatically computed based on other options.
HRESULT SeriesCount([out,retval]int* seriescount);
return the number of series.
HRESULT PointsPerSeries([in] double pointsRatio);
sets the ratio of how many data points are inserted per series. Default is 1 (=100%). A value of 0.8 for instance means that 80% of data points are inserted, and 20% of data points are ignored.
HRESULT PointsPerSeries([out,retval] double* pointsRatio);
returns the ratio of how many data points are inserted per series. Default is 1 (=100%). A value of 0.8 for instance means that 80% of data points are inserted, and 20% of data points are ignored.