COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsChartTheme : IDispatch
  [id(1), propget] HRESULT EffectSpan([out, retval] enumChartThemeEffectSpan* effect);
  [id(1), propput] HRESULT EffectSpan([in]enumChartThemeEffectSpan effect);
  [id(2), propget] HRESULT ColorSpan([out, retval] enumChartThemeColorSpan* color);
  [id(2), propput] HRESULT ColorSpan([in]enumChartThemeColorSpan color);


HRESULT EffectLine([out, retval] enumChartThemeEffectSpan* effect);
returns the effect span. Combined with the color span, it defines one of the chart style to use from the 48 available.

HRESULT EffectLine([in]enumChartThemeEffectSpan effect);
sets the effect span. Combined with the color span, it defines one of the chart style to use from the 48 available.

HRESULT ColorLine([out, retval] enumChartThemeColorSpan* color);
returns the color span. Combined with the effect span, it defines one of the chart style to use from the 48 available.

HRESULT ColorLine([in]enumChartThemeColorSpan color);
sets the color span. Combined with the effect span, it defines one of the chart style to use from the 48 available.