COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsDynamicRangeValueIterator : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT ValueWorksheet([out, retval]int* curValueWorksheet);
  [id(2),propget] HRESULT ValueRow([out, retval]int* curValueRow);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT ValueColumn([out, retval]int* curValuecolumn);
  [id(4)]         HRESULT Next();
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT IsLast([out, retval]BOOL* isLast);


HRESULT ValueWorksheet([out, retval]int* curValueWorksheet);
retrieves the current worksheet identifier. WorksheetByIndex[i] can then be used to retrieve a worksheet instance.

HRESULT ValueRow([out, retval]int* curValueRow);
retrieves the row of the current value.

HRESULT ValueColumn([out, retval]int* curValuecolumn);
retrieves the column of the current value.

switches to the next value.

HRESULT IsLast([out, retval]BOOL* isLast);
tells whether the current value is the last value in the iterator.