COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsRichLabel : IDispatch

  [id(1)        ] HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(2)        ] HRESULT LabelWithDefaultStyle([in]BSTR label, [in]int styleindex);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT HtmlLabel([in]BSTR label);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT HtmlLabel([out, retval]BSTR* label);



HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
associates a fraction of the text in a cell (or merged cells) with a style. This function can be used iteratively.


HRESULT LabelWithDefaultStyle([in]BSTR label, [in]int styleindex);
sets the style by index. This method is typically generated by the core generator.


HRESULT HtmlLabel([in]BSTR label);
puts formatting in HTML markup around a label or label fragments.


HRESULT HtmlLabel([out, retval]BSTR* label);
gets formatting in HTML markup around a label or label fragments.