COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsWorkbookCustomProperty : IDispatch
  [id(0x00040001),propget] HRESULT PropertyName([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrName);
  [id(0x00040002),propget] HRESULT PropertyType([out, retval] enumDataType* custompropertytype);
  [id(0x00040003),propget] HRESULT PropertyValue([out, retval] VARIANT* pvValue);
  [id(0x00040003),propput] HRESULT PropertyValue([in] VARIANT* pvValue);


HRESULT PropertyName([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrName);
returns the name of the property.

HRESULT PropertyType([out, retval] enumDataType* custompropertytype);
returns the data type of the property.

HRESULT PropertyValue([out, retval] VARIANT* pvValue);
returns the value for the property.

HRESULT PropertyValue([in] VARIANT* pvValue);
sets the value for the property.