xlsgen > overview > Text boxes


Text boxes are a convenient method to annotate spreadsheets. There are two types of text boxes.


Text boxes in xlsgen


Text boxes support a number of features :


Text boxes can also be :


Adding text boxes

Text boxes are exposed using the IXlsTextBox interface. One particular detail is how text box are positioned in the grid.

Below is a drawing explaining how it works :

Positioning a text box in the Excel grid

Text boxes can be positioned in the grid either using this anchor model (NewTextBox), or a pixel coordinate system (NewTextBoxInPixels).


Java code

XlsWorkbook wbk = engine.New( "textbox.xls");

XlsWorksheet wksht = wbk.AddWorksheet( "Sheet1" );

// text box using a formula and a hyperlink
XlsTextBox textbox1 = wksht.NewTextBox(2,3, 5,6, 0,200, 80,300);
textbox1.putAlternativeText("floating text box alternative text");
XlsHyperlink hlink = wksht.NewHyperlink();
hlink.putCellAnchor("Sheet1", 5, 1);
hlink.putCaption("some caption");

// text box using a formatting style
XlsTextBox textbox2 = wksht.NewTextBox(6,3, 9,6, 0,200, 80,300);
XlsStyle style = wksht.NewStyle();


VB code

IXlsWorkbook wbk = engine.New( "textbox.xls")

IXlsWorksheet wksht = wbk.AddWorksheet( "Sheet1" )

' text box using a formula and a hyperlink
IXlsTextBox textbox1 = wksht.NewTextBox(2,3, 5,6, 0,200, 80,300)
textbox1.Formula = "=Sheet1!$B$2"
textbox1.AlternativeText = "floating text box alternative text"
IXlsHyperlink hlink = wksht.NewHyperlink
hlink.CellAnchor("Sheet1", 5, 1)
hlink.Caption = "some caption"
textbox1.Hyperlink = hlink

' text box using a formatting style
IXlsTextBox textbox2 = wksht.NewTextBox(6,3, 9,6, 0,200, 80,300)
textbox2.Label = "abcd"
IXlsStyle style = wksht.NewStyle
style.Alignment.Horizontal = enumHorizontalAlignment.halign_center
style.Alignment.Vertical = enumVerticalAlignment.valign_bottom
textbox2.Patterns.Borders.Type = enumChartBorder.chartbordertype_none
textbox2.Patterns.Area.Pattern.BackgroundColor = &H0000FF88
textbox2.Style = style


C# code

IXlsWorkbook wbk = engine.New( "textbox.xls");

IXlsWorksheet wksht = wbk.AddWorksheet( "Sheet1" );

// text box using a formula and a hyperlink
IXlsTextBox textbox1 = wksht.NewTextBox(2,3, 5,6, 0,200, 80,300);
textbox1.Formula = "=Sheet1!$B$2";
textbox1.AlternativeText = "floating text box alternative text";
IXlsHyperlink hlink = wksht.NewHyperlink();
hlink.CellAnchor("Sheet1", 5, 1);
hlink.Caption = "some caption";
textbox1.Hyperlink = hlink;

// text box using a formatting style
IXlsTextBox textbox2 = wksht.NewTextBox(6,3, 9,6, 0,200, 80,300);
textbox2.Label = "abcd";
IXlsStyle style = wksht.NewStyle();
style.Alignment.Horizontal = enumHorizontalAlignment.halign_center;
style.Alignment.Vertical = enumVerticalAlignment.valign_bottom;
textbox2.Patterns.Borders.Type = enumChartBorder.chartbordertype_none;
textbox2.Patterns.Area.Pattern.BackgroundColor = 0x0000FF88;
textbox2.Style = style;


C/C++ code

xlsgen::IXlsWorkbookPtr wbk = engine->New( L"textbox.xls");

xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = wbk->AddWorksheet( L"Sheet1" );

// text box using a formula and a hyperlink
xlsgen::IXlsTextBoxPtr textbox1 = wksht->NewTextBox(2,3, 5,6, 0,200, 80,300);
textbox1->Formula = L"=Sheet1!$B$2";
textbox1->AlternativeText = L"floating text box alternative text";
xlsgen::IXlsHyperlinkPtr hlink = wksht->NewHyperlink();
hlink->CellAnchor(L"Sheet1", 5, 1);
hlink->Caption = L"some caption";
textbox1->Hyperlink = hlink;

// text box using a formatting style
xlsgen::IXlsTextBoxPtr textbox2 = wksht->NewTextBox(6,3, 9,6, 0,200, 80,300);
textbox2->Label = L"abcd";
xlsgen::IXlsStylePtr style = wksht->NewStyle();
style->Alignment->Horizontal = xlsgen::halign_center;
style->Alignment->Vertical = xlsgen::valign_bottom;
textbox2->Patterns->Borders->Type = xlsgen::chartbordertype_none;
textbox2->Patterns->Area->Pattern->BackgroundColor = 0x0000FF88;
textbox2->Style = style;



Managing text boxes

xlsgen exposes the collection of text boxes in each worksheet. Text boxes can be enumerated by index. And then each text box can be introspected and even deleted.


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