COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsAlignment : IDispatch
  [id(1), propput] HRESULT Horizontal([in]enumHorizontalAlignment align);
  [id(2), propput] HRESULT Vertical([in]enumVerticalAlignment align);
  [id(3), propput] HRESULT Wrap([in]BOOL bWrap);
  [id(4), propput] HRESULT Orientation([in]int nAngle);
  [id(5), propget] HRESULT ShrinkToFit([out, retval] BOOL* shrinktofit);
  [id(5), propput] HRESULT ShrinkToFit([in]BOOL shrinktofit);
  [id(6), propget] HRESULT Indentation([out, retval] int* indentLevel);
  [id(6), propput] HRESULT Indentation([in]int indentLevel);
  [id(7), propget] HRESULT ReadingOrder([out, retval] enumTextReadingOrder* readingOrder);
  [id(7), propput] HRESULT ReadingOrder([in]enumTextReadingOrder readingOrder);



HRESULT Horizontal([in]enumHorizontalAlignment align);
sets the horizontal alignment of the cell or merged cells. Uses an enumerated type. See enumHorizontalAlignment for more information.

HRESULT Vertical([in]enumVerticalAlignment align);
sets the vertical alignment of the cell or merged cells. Uses an enumerated type. See enumVerticalAlignment for more information.

HRESULT Wrap([in]BOOL bWrap);
sets whether the "word wrapping" should be set for the cell or merged cells.

HRESULT Orientation([in]int nAngle);
sets the text orientation angle for the cell or merged cells. Use 180 to display the text vertically.

HRESULT ShrinkToFit([out, retval] BOOL* shrinktofit);
returns whether cells are shrinked to fit.

HRESULT ShrinkToFit([in]BOOL shrinktofit);
sets whether cells are shrinked to fit.

HRESULT Indentation([out, retval] int* indentLevel);
returns the indent level of content within the cells.

HRESULT Indentation([in]int indentLevel);
sets the indent level of content within the cells. Default is 0.

HRESULT ReadingOrder([out, retval] enumTextReadingOrder* readingOrder);
retrieves the text reading order. Default value : context.

HRESULT ReadingOrder([in]enumTextReadingOrder readingOrder);
sets the text reading order. Default value : context.