IXlsCalculationOptions |
COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )
interface IXlsCalculationOptions : IDispatch
[id(1), propget] HRESULT AutoRecalc([out, retval] BOOL* bAutoRecalc);
[id(1), propput] HRESULT AutoRecalc([in]BOOL bAutoRecalc);
[id(2), propget] HRESULT TreatErrorsAsCodeErrors([out, retval] BOOL* bCodeErrors);
[id(2), propput] HRESULT TreatErrorsAsCodeErrors([in]BOOL bCodeErrors);
[id(3), propget] HRESULT LastFormulaError([out, retval]IXlsFormulaError** lastError);
[id(4), propput] HRESULT AutoRecalcOnClose([in]enumAutoRecalcOption bAutoRecalcOnClose);
[id(5), propget] HRESULT MultithreadCores([out, retval]int* nbCores);
[id(5), propput] HRESULT MultithreadCores([in]int nbCores);
HRESULT AutoRecalc([out, retval] BOOL* bAutoRecalc);
returns whether or not xlsgen should automatically keep track and recalculate formula value changes. If set to true, performance may be degraded accordingly. Default value is : no auto recalc.
HRESULT AutoRecalc([in]BOOL bAutoRecalc);
sets whether or not xlsgen should automatically keep track and recalculate formula value changes. If set to true, performance may be degraded accordingly. Default value is : no auto recalc.
HRESULT TreatErrorsAsCodeErrors([out, retval] BOOL* bCodeErrors);
returns whether or not xlsgen should treat formula calculation errors as code execution errors, or let those fail silently. Default value is : fail silently.
HRESULT TreatErrorsAsCodeErrors([in]BOOL bCodeErrors);
sets whether or not xlsgen should treat formula calculation errors as code execution errors, or let those fail silently. Default value is : fail silently.
HRESULT LastFormulaError([out, retval]IXlsFormulaError** lastError);
returns the last formula error after a calculation.
HRESULT AutoRecalcOnClose([in]enumAutoRecalcOption bAutoRecalcOnClose);
sets whether or not xlsgen should automatically recalculate the entire workbook on close, when it's saved. Default value is : disabled.
HRESULT MultithreadCores([out, retval]int* nbCores);
returns the number of hardware CPU cores that can be used for calculating values using multiple threads.
HRESULT MultithreadCores([in]int nbCores);
sets the number of CPU cores that can be used for calculating values using multiple threads. This number is often less than the number of cores available from hardware. Default value : 1