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interface IXlsChartCustomProperties : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget]  HRESULT HorizontalBars([out, retval]BOOL* horizontalbars);
  [id(1),propput]  HRESULT HorizontalBars([in]BOOL horizontalbars);
  [id(2),propget]  HRESULT Stacked([out, retval]BOOL* stacked);
  [id(2),propput]  HRESULT Stacked([in]BOOL stacked);
  [id(3),propget]  HRESULT StackedAndStretched([out, retval]BOOL* stacked);
  [id(3),propput]  HRESULT StackedAndStretched([in]BOOL stacked);
  [id(4),propget]  HRESULT SeriesOverlap([out, retval]int* overlap);
  [id(4),propput]  HRESULT SeriesOverlap([in]int overlap);
  [id(5),propget]  HRESULT SeriesGap([out, retval]int* gap);
  [id(5),propput]  HRESULT SeriesGap([in]int gap);
  [id(6),propget]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetTop([out, retval]int* topoffset);
  [id(6),propput]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetTop([in]int topoffset);
  [id(7),propget]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetLeft([out, retval]int* leftoffset);
  [id(7),propput]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetLeft([in]int leftoffset);
  [id(8),propget]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetBottom([out, retval]int* bottomoffset);
  [id(8),propput]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetBottom([in]int bottomoffset);
  [id(9),propget]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetRight([out, retval]int* rightoffset);
  [id(9),propput]  HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetRight([in]int rightoffset);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT PieStartAngle([out, retval]int* angle);
  [id(10),propput] HRESULT PieStartAngle([in]int angle);
  [id(11),propget] HRESULT VaryColorBySlice([out, retval]BOOL* varycolor);
  [id(11),propput] HRESULT VaryColorBySlice([in]BOOL varycolor);
  [id(12),propget] HRESULT PieShowLeaderLines([out, retval]BOOL* leaderlines);
  [id(12),propput] HRESULT PieShowLeaderLines([in]BOOL leaderlines);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT PieDoughnutDistance([out, retval]int* doughnutdistance);
  [id(13),propput] HRESULT PieDoughnutDistance([in]int doughnutdistance);
  [id(14),propget] HRESULT PieExplodedSliceDistance([out, retval]int* slicedistance);
  [id(14),propput] HRESULT PieExplodedSliceDistance([in]int slicedistance);
  [id(15),propget] HRESULT DropLines([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** droplines);
  [id(16),propget] HRESULT HighLowLines([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** highlowlines);
  [id(17),propget] HRESULT UpDownBars([BOOL] bUp, [out, retval]IXlsChartPatterns** updownbars);
  [id(18),propget] HRESULT SurfaceWireframe([out, retval]BOOL* wireframe);
  [id(18),propput] HRESULT SurfaceWireframe([in]BOOL wireframe);
  [id(19),propget] HRESULT BubbleShowNegatives([out, retval]BOOL* bubbleshownegatives);
  [id(19),propput] HRESULT BubbleShowNegatives([in]BOOL bubbleshownegatives);
  [id(20),propget] HRESULT BubbleRepresentsArea([out, retval]BOOL* bubblerepresentsarea);
  [id(20),propput] HRESULT BubbleRepresentsArea([in]BOOL bubblerepresentsarea);
  [id(21),propget] HRESULT BubbleScalePercent([out, retval]int* bubblescale);
  [id(21),propput] HRESULT BubbleScalePercent([in]int bubblescale);
  [id(22),propget] HRESULT LineAutoMarkers([out, retval]BOOL* linemarkers);
  [id(22),propput] HRESULT LineAutoMarkers([in]BOOL linemarkers);
  [id(23),propget] HRESULT LineAutoSmooth([out, retval]BOOL* linesmooth);
  [id(23),propput] HRESULT LineAutoSmooth([in]BOOL linesmooth);
  [id(24),propget] HRESULT BarLinesBetweenDataElements([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** barlines);
  [id(25),propget] HRESULT ChartInterpolateEmptyCells([out, retval]enumChartInterpolate* interpolate);
  [id(25),propput] HRESULT ChartInterpolateEmptyCells([in]enumChartInterpolate interpolate);
  [id(26),propget] HRESULT ChartResizeOption([out, retval]enumChartResizeOption* chartresizing);
  [id(26),propput] HRESULT ChartResizeOption([in]enumChartResizeOption chartresizing);
  [id(27),propget] HRESULT ChartPrintObject([out, retval]BOOL* print);
  [id(27),propput] HRESULT ChartPrintObject([in]BOOL print);
  [id(28),propget] HRESULT ChartLocked([out, retval]BOOL* locked);
  [id(28),propput] HRESULT ChartLocked([in]BOOL locked);
  [id(29),propget] HRESULT ChartOnlyShowVisibleCells([out, retval]BOOL* showvisiblecells);
  [id(29),propput] HRESULT ChartOnlyShowVisibleCells([in]BOOL showvisiblecells);
  [id(30),propget] HRESULT ChartResizeWithWindow([out, retval]BOOL* resizewithwindow);
  [id(30),propput] HRESULT ChartResizeWithWindow([in]BOOL resizewithwindow);
  [id(31),propget] HRESULT PieBuddyOptions([out, retval]IXlsChartPieBuddy** piebuddyoptions);
  [id(32),propget] HRESULT PieDataLabelLineOptions([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** lineoptions);
  [id(33),propget] HRESULT OutlierPercent([out, retval]int* outlier_percent);
  [id(33),propput] HRESULT OutlierPercent([in]int outlier_percent);
  [id(34),propget] HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMaximum([out, retval]double* outlier_absolute_max);
  [id(34),propput] HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMaximum([in]double outlier_absolute_max);
  [id(35),propget] HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMinimum([out, retval]double* outlier_absolute_min);
  [id(35),propput] HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMinimum([in]double outlier_absolute_min);
  [id(36),propget] HRESULT LowPassFilterAlpha([out, retval]double* alpha);
  [id(36),propput] HRESULT LowPassFilterAlpha([in]double alpha);
  [id(37),propget] HRESULT ReplaceSeries([out, retval]BOOL* bReplaceSeries);
  [id(37),propput] HRESULT ReplaceSeries([in]BOOL bReplaceSeries);
  [id(38),propget] HRESULT ChartStyle([out, retval]int* nChartStyle);
  [id(38),propput] HRESULT ChartStyle([in]int nChartStyle);
  [id(39),propget] HRESULT WaterfallConnectorLines([out, retval]BOOL* b);
  [id(39),propput] HRESULT WaterfallConnectorLines([in]BOOL b);
  [id(40),propget] HRESULT HistogramBinWidth([out, retval]double* binWidth);
  [id(40),propput] HRESULT HistogramBinWidth([in]double binWidth);
  [id(41),propget] HRESULT HistogramBinCount([out, retval]int* binCount);
  [id(41),propput] HRESULT HistogramBinCount([in]int binCount);
  [id(42),propget] HRESULT HistogramOverflowValue([out, retval]double* nOverflowValue);
  [id(42),propput] HRESULT HistogramOverflowValue([in]double nOverflowValue);
  [id(43),propget] HRESULT HistogramUnderflowValue([out, retval]double* nUnderflowValue);
  [id(43),propput] HRESULT HistogramUnderflowValue([in]double nUnderflowValue);
  [id(44),propget] HRESULT HistogramByCategory([out, retval]BOOL* b);
  [id(44),propput] HRESULT HistogramByCategory([in]BOOL b);



HRESULT HorizontalBars([out, retval]BOOL* horizontalbars);
returns whether the bars of a bar chart are horizontal. Default is : vertical.

HRESULT HorizontalBars([in]BOOL horizontalbars);
sets whether the bars of a bar chart are horizontal. Default is : vertical.

HRESULT Stacked([out, retval]BOOL* stacked);
returns whether the series are stacked. Default is : no. Not all chart types are stackable.

HRESULT Stacked([in]BOOL stacked);
sets whether the series are stacked. Default is : no. Not all chart types are stackable.

HRESULT StackedAndStretched([out, retval]BOOL* stacked);
returns whether the series are stacked and stretched. Default is : no. Not all chart types are stackable.

HRESULT StackedAndStretched([in]BOOL stacked);
sets whether the series are stacked and stretched. Default is : no. Not all chart types are stackable.

HRESULT SeriesOverlap([out, retval]int* overlap);
returns the series overlap. Default is : 0. Only applies to 2D charts.

HRESULT SeriesOverlap([in]int overlap);
sets the series overlap. Default is : 0. Only applies to 2D charts.

HRESULT SeriesGap([out, retval]int* gap);
returns the gap between series. Default is : 150. Only applies to 2D charts.

HRESULT SeriesGap([in]int gap);
sets the gap between series. Default is : 150. Only applies to 2D charts.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetTop([out, retval]int* topoffset);
returns the chart top position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetTop([in]int topoffset);
sets the chart top position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetLeft([out, retval]int* leftoffset);
returns the chart left position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetLeft([in]int leftoffset);
sets the chart left position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetBottom([out, retval]int* bottomoffset);
returns the chart bottom position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetBottom([in]int bottomoffset);
sets the chart bottom position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetRight([out, retval]int* rightoffset);
returns the chart right position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT ChartPositionOffsetRight([in]int rightoffset);
sets the chart right position offset. Default is : 0.

HRESULT PieStartAngle([out, retval]int* angle);
returns the pie chart start angle, in degrees between 0 and 360. Angles are clockwise. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieStartAngle([in]int angle);
sets the pie chart start angle, in degrees between 0 and 360. Angles are clockwise. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT VaryColorBySlice([out, retval]BOOL* varycolor);
returns whether the color varies with each data element in the series. Only applies once per axis. Default value is yes for pie charts.

HRESULT VaryColorBySlice([in]BOOL varycolor);
sets whether the color varies with each data element in the series. Only applies once per axis. Default value is yes for pie charts.

HRESULT PieShowLeaderLines([out, retval]BOOL* leaderlines);
returns whether the pie leader lines should be displayed. Default is : yes. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieShowLeaderLines([in]BOOL leaderlines);
sets whether the pie leader lines should be displayed. Default is : yes. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieDoughnutDistance([out, retval]int* doughnutdistance);
returns the pie doughnut distance in percent from center. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieDoughnutDistance([in]int doughnutdistance);
sets the pie doughnut distance in percent from center. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieExplodedSliceDistance([out, retval]int* slicedistance);
returns the pie exploded slice distance from center, in percent of the pie diameter. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT PieExplodedSliceDistance([in]int slicedistance);
sets the pie exploded slice distance from center, in percent of the pie diameter. Default is : 0. Only applies to pie charts.

HRESULT DropLines([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** droplines);
returns the drop lines object. Applies to line charts.

HRESULT HighLowLines([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** highlowlines);
returns the high-low lines object. Applies to line charts.

HRESULT UpDownBars([BOOL] bUp, [out, retval]IXlsChartPatterns** updownbars);
returns the up-down bars object. Applies to line charts. Pass True as first parameter to format the up bars, and False to format the down bars.

HRESULT SurfaceWireframe([out, retval]BOOL* wireframe);
returns whether the chart uses wireframe instead of filled color areas. Default is no. Applies to surface charts and contour charts.

HRESULT SurfaceWireframe([in]BOOL wireframe);
sets whether the chart uses wireframe instead of filled color areas. Default is no. Applies to surface charts and contour charts.

HRESULT BubbleShowNegatives([out, retval]BOOL* bubbleshownegatives);
returns whether the bubble chart should show negative bubbles. Default is no. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT BubbleShowNegatives([in]BOOL bubbleshownegatives);
sets whether the bubble chart should show negative bubbles. Default is no. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT BubbleRepresentsArea([out, retval]BOOL* bubblerepresentsarea);
returns whether the bubble sizes represent area or width. Default is : area. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT BubbleRepresentsArea([in]BOOL bubblerepresentsarea);
sets whether the bubble sizes represent area or width. Default is : area. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT BubbleScalePercent([out, retval]int* bubblescale);
returns the bubble scaling in percent. Default is 100 percent. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT BubbleScalePercent([in]int bubblescale);
sets the bubble scaling in percent. Default is 100 percent. Applies to bubble charts.

HRESULT LineAutoMarkers([out, retval]BOOL* linemarkers);
returns whether the line/scatter chart has line markers. Applies to line and scatter charts.

HRESULT LineAutoMarkers([in]BOOL linemarkers);
sets whether the line/scatter chart has line markers. Applies to line and scatter charts.

HRESULT LineAutoSmooth([out, retval]BOOL* linesmooth);
returns whether the line/scatter chart has smoothed lines. Applies to line and scatter charts.

HRESULT LineAutoSmooth([in]BOOL linesmooth);
sets whether the line/scatter chart has smoothed lines. Applies to line and scatter charts.

HRESULT BarLinesBetweenDataElements([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** barlines);
returns the bar lines between data elements object. Applies to stacked or stretched 2D bar charts.

HRESULT ChartInterpolateEmptyCells([out, retval]enumChartInterpolate* interpolate);
returns whether the chart should interpolate empty cells in the data source. Default value is : do not draw them.

HRESULT ChartInterpolateEmptyCells([in]enumChartInterpolate interpolate);
sets whether the chart should interpolate empty cells in the data source. Default value is : do not draw them.

HRESULT ChartResizeOption([out, retval]enumChartResizeOption* chartresizing);
returns whether the chart should move and/or resize when Excel grid columns and rows are resized. Default value is : move and resize according to grid cells.

HRESULT ChartResizeOption([in]enumChartResizeOption chartresizing);
sets whether the chart should move and/or resize when Excel grid columns and rows are resized. Default value is : move and resize according to grid cells.

HRESULT ChartPrintObject([out, retval]BOOL* print);
returns whether the chart should be printed if the user requests printing the worksheet. Default value is : yes.

HRESULT ChartPrintObject([in]BOOL print);
sets whether the chart should be printed if the user requests printing the worksheet. Default value is : yes.

HRESULT ChartLocked([out, retval]BOOL* locked);
returns whether the chart should be locked. Default value is : yes. Locking an object is enforced when the worksheet is protected.

HRESULT ChartLocked([in]BOOL locked);
sets whether the chart should be locked. Default value is : yes. Locking an object is enforced when the worksheet is protected.

HRESULT ChartOnlyShowVisibleCells([out, retval]BOOL* showvisiblecells);
returns whether the chart should only show visible cells. Default value is : yes.

HRESULT ChartOnlyShowVisibleCells([in]BOOL showvisiblecells);
sets whether the chart should only show visible cells. Default value is : yes.

HRESULT ChartResizeWithWindow([out, retval]BOOL* resizewithwindow);
returns whether the chart should resize itself according to the Window size. Only applies when the chart is not embedded (see AddChart() method). Default value is : no.

HRESULT ChartResizeWithWindow([in]BOOL resizewithwindow);
sets whether the chart should resize itself according to the Window size. Only applies when the chart is not embedded (see AddChart() method). Default value is : no.

HRESULT PieBuddyOptions([out, retval]IXlsChartPieBuddy** piebuddyoptions);
returns the pie buddy options object. Applies to pie charts with buddies (another pie or bar). See the chart type enumeration enumChartType.

HRESULT PieDataLabelLineOptions([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** lineoptions);
returns the pie data label line options object. Applies to pie charts. Data label lines are drawn between the pie itself and individual data labels, and may be invisible depending on where data labels are.

HRESULT OutlierPercent([out, retval]int* outlier_percent);
returns the percent used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types. Default is : 10.

HRESULT OutlierPercent([in]int outlier_percent);
sets the percent used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types. Default is : 10.

HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMaximum([out, retval]double* outlier_absolute_max);
returns the absolute maximum value used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types.

HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMaximum([in]double outlier_absolute_max);
sets the absolute maximum value used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types.

HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMinimum([out, retval]double* outlier_absolute_min);
returns the absolute minimum value used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types.

HRESULT OutlierAbsoluteMinimum([in]double outlier_absolute_min);
sets the absolute minimum value used for computing outliers in such chart. Applicable to outlier chart types.

HRESULT LowPassFilterAlpha([out, retval]double* alpha);
returns the alpha parameter for the low pass filter chart type. Value is between 0 and 1. 0 means no filter. 1 means maximum filter (irrelevant). Default value : 0.7

HRESULT LowPassFilterAlpha([in]double alpha);
sets the alpha parameter for the low pass filter chart type. Value is between 0 and 1. 0 means no filter. 1 means maximum filter (irrelevant). Default value : 0.7

HRESULT ReplaceSeries([out, retval]BOOL* bReplaceSeries);
returns whether or not series are replaced when xlsgen computes the actual content of the chart. Otherwise series are added. Applicable to a subset of charts (such as the low pass filter). Default value : TRUE

HRESULT ReplaceSeries([in]BOOL bReplaceSeries);
sets whether or not series are replaced when xlsgen computes the actual content of the chart. Otherwise series are added. Applicable to a subset of charts (such as the low pass filter). Default value : TRUE

HRESULT ChartStyle([out, retval]int* nChartStyle);
returns the chart style. Applies to XLSX files only. The passed parameter must be a number between 1 and 48.

HRESULT ChartStyle([in]int nChartStyle);
sets the chart style. Applies to XLSX files only. The passed parameter must be a number between 1 and 48.

HRESULT WaterfallConnectorLines([out, retval]BOOL* b);
returns whether the chart uses lines to connect data points. Applies to a waterfall chart only.

HRESULT WaterfallConnectorLines([in]BOOL b);
sets whether the chart uses lines to connect data points. Applies to a waterfall chart only.

HRESULT HistogramBinWidth([out, retval]double* binWidth);
returns the width of histogram bins. Applies to histogram chart types.

HRESULT HistogramBinWidth([in]double binWidth);
sets the width of histogram bins. Applies to histogram chart types.

HRESULT HistogramBinCount([out, retval]int* binCount);
returns the custom amount of histogram bins. Applies to histogram chart types.

HRESULT HistogramBinCount([in]int binCount);
sets the custom amount of histogram bins. Applies to histogram chart types.

HRESULT HistogramOverflowValue([out, retval]double* nOverflowValue);
returns the overflow value in histograms.

HRESULT HistogramOverflowValue([in]double nOverflowValue);
sets the overflow value in histograms.

HRESULT HistogramUnderflowValue([out, retval]double* nUnderflowValue);
returns the underflow value of histograms.

HRESULT HistogramUnderflowValue([in]double nUnderflowValue);
sets the underflow value of histograms.

HRESULT HistogramByCategory([out, retval]BOOL* b);
returns whether the histogram is split by category (text) instead of number bins. Default value : false. Applies to histogram chart types.

HRESULT HistogramByCategory([in]BOOL b);
sets whether the histogram is split by category (text) instead of number bins. Default value : false. Applies to histogram chart types.