COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsEngineDiff : IDispatch
  [id(1), propget] HRESULT AreEqual([out, retval] BOOL* diffresult);
  [id(2), propget] HRESULT CountDifferences([out, retval] BOOL* countdifferences);
  [id(3),        ] HRESULT GenerateDiffWorkbook([in]BSTR newexcelfilename, [out, retval] IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
  [id(4),        ] HRESULT GenerateDiffWorkbookInMemory([in]IUnknown* lockbytes, [out, retval] IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
  [id(5),        ] HRESULT GenerateDiffXml([in]BSTR xmlfilename);
  [id(6), propput] HRESULT IgnoreWorksheetNames([in]BOOL bIgnore);
  [id(6), propget] HRESULT IgnoreWorksheetNames([out, retval]BOOL* bIgnore);
  [id(7),        ] HRESULT ExcludeRange([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
  [id(8), propput] HRESULT ExcludeRangeRef([in]BSTR cellrange);
  [id(9), propget] HRESULT EnableFormulaCheck([out, retval] BOOL* bCheckFormulas);
  [id(9), propput] HRESULT EnableFormulaCheck([in]BOOL bCheckFormulas);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT FormulaLanguage([out, retval] enumFormulaLanguage* language);
  [id(10),propput] HRESULT FormulaLanguage([in]enumFormulaLanguage language);



HRESULT AreEqual([out, retval] BOOL* diffresult);
returns whether or not the two Excel files are equal.

HRESULT CountDifferences([out, retval] BOOL* countdifferences);
returns how many differences there are between the two Excel files.

HRESULT GenerateDiffWorkbook([in]BSTR newexcelfilename, [out, retval] IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
returns a workbook resulting from the diff between the two Excel files. Pass an Excel output filename in order to allow the workbook creation.

HRESULT GenerateDiffWorkbookInMemory([in]IUnknown* lockbytes, [out, retval] IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
returns a workbook resulting from the diff between the two Excel files. Pass an ILockBytes interface in order to allow the workbook to reside in memory.

HRESULT GenerateDiffXml([in]BSTR xmlfilename);
creates an xml file resulting from the diff between the two Excel files.

HRESULT IgnoreWorksheetNames([in]BOOL bIgnore);
sets whether the diff should ignore worksheet names. Particularly suited whenever worksheet names change over time.

HRESULT IgnoreWorksheetNames([out, retval]BOOL* bIgnore);
returns whether the diff should ignore worksheet names. Particularly suited whenever worksheet names change over time.

HRESULT ExcludeRange([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
excludes the passed cell range from the diff. Particularly suited whenever some particular values are known to change over time, such as time-related functions.

HRESULT ExcludeRangeRef([in]BSTR cellrange);
excludes the passed cell range from the diff. Particularly suited whenever some particular values are known to change over time, such as time-related functions. Accepted formats are RxxCx:RyyCy (example : R10C1:R12C13), or Ax:Ax (example : A2:B5).

HRESULT EnableFormulaCheck([in]BOOL bCheckFormulas);
sets whether formula changes should be taken into account instead of cell values.

HRESULT EnableFormulaCheck([out, retval] BOOL* bCheckFormulas);
returns whether formula changes should be taken into account instead of cell values.

HRESULT FormulaLanguage([in]enumFormulaLanguage language);
sets the formula language. See the enumFormulaLanguage enumerated type.

HRESULT FormulaLanguage([out, retval] enumFormulaLanguage* language);
returns the formula language. Default is English. See the enumFormulaLanguage enumerated type.