COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsHelpers : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT ILockBytes_New([out, retval] VARIANT* lockbytes);
  [id(2),propget] HRESULT ILockBytes_Write([in]VARIANT lockbytes, [out, retval] VARIANT* buffer);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT ILockBytes_Read([in]VARIANT buffer, [out, retval] VARIANT* lockbytes);
  [id(4)        ] HRESULT ILockBytes_Delete([in]VARIANT lockbytes);
  [id(5)        ] HRESULT WriteFile([in]BSTR filename, [in]VARIANT buffer);



HRESULT ILockBytes_New([out, retval] VARIANT* lockbytes);
returns a ilockbytes interface wrapped inside a VARIANT. Used with automation languages such as VBScript.


HRESULT ILockBytes_Write([in]VARIANT lockbytes, [out, retval] VARIANT* buffer);
returns a buffer (byte array) from a ilockbytes interface wrapped inside a VARIANT. Used with automation languages such as VBScript.


HRESULT ILockBytes_Read([in]VARIANT buffer, [out, retval] VARIANT* lockbytes);
returns a lockbytes interface from a buffer (byte array). Used with automation languages such as VBScript.


HRESULT ILockBytes_Delete([in]VARIANT lockbytes);
deletes a lockbytes interface wrapped inside a VARIANT. Used with automation languages such as VBScript.


HRESULT WriteFile([in]BSTR filename, [in]VARIANT buffer);
writes a file with the buffer (byte array) passed in parameter. Used with automation languages such as VBScript.