COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsIconSetSubCondition : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT ExplicitValueAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT ExplicitPercentAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT ExplicitFormulaAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT ExplicitPercentileAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT StrictOperator([out, retval]BOOL* strictoperator);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT StrictOperator([in]BOOL strictoperator);


HRESULT ExplicitValueAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
sets whether icons are selected by an explicit value, expressed as a formula. Example : =10.

HRESULT ExplicitPercentAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
sets whether icons are selected by an explicit percent value, expressed as a formula.

HRESULT ExplicitFormulaAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
sets whether icons are selected by an explicit formula.

HRESULT ExplicitPercentileAsFormula([in]BSTR formula);
sets whether icons are selected by an explicit percentile value, expressed as a formula.

HRESULT StrictOperator([out, retval]BOOL* strictoperator);
retrieves whether icons are using the strict math operator for sorting out values. Default value is NO.

HRESULT StrictOperator([in]BOOL strictoperator);
sets whether icons are using the strict math operator for sorting out values. Default value is NO.