COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPattern : IDispatch
  [id(1), propput] HRESULT BackgroundColor([in]int nRGB);
  [id(2), propput] HRESULT ForegroundColor([in]int nRGB);
  [id(3), propput] HRESULT Pattern([in]enumPattern pattern);
  [id(4), propget] HRESULT Gradient([out, retval]IXlsGradientPattern** gradient);



HRESULT BackgroundColor([in]int nRGB);
sets the background color of the cell or merged cells. Uses a 24-bit color number or an enumerated type. Examples : 46576438, RGB(200,40,40).

HRESULT ForegroundColor([in]int nRGB);
sets the foreground color of the cell or merged cells. Uses a 24-bit color number or an enumerated type. Examples : 46576438, RGB(200,40,40).

HRESULT Pattern([in]enumPattern pattern);
sets the fill pattern of the cell or merged cells. Uses an enumerated type. See enumPattern for more information.

HRESULT Gradient([out, retval]IXlsGradientPattern** gradient);
returns the gradient fill object of the cell or merged cells.