COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPivotTableFieldGroupBy : IDispatch
  [id(1), propget] HRESULT Interval([out, retval]double* Interval);
  [id(1), propput] HRESULT Interval([in]double Interval);
  [id(2), propput] HRESULT MinimumValue([in]double minimumValue);
  [id(3), propput] HRESULT MaximumValue([in]double maximumValue);
  [id(4), propget] HRESULT DateInterval([out, retval]enumPivotShowFieldDateGroupBy* DateInterval);
  [id(4), propput] HRESULT DateInterval([in]enumPivotShowFieldDateGroupBy DateInterval);



HRESULT Interval([out, retval]double* Interval);
retrieves the group interval for numerical values.

HRESULT Interval([in]double Interval);
set the group interval for numerical values.

HRESULT MinimumValue([in]double minimumValue);
set the minimum value for groups. Optional.

HRESULT MaximumValue([in]double maximumValue);
set the maximum value for groups. Optional.

HRESULT DateInterval([out, retval]enumPivotShowFieldDateGroupBy* DateInterval);
retrieves the group interval for date values.

HRESULT DateInterval([in]enumPivotShowFieldDateGroupBy DateInterval);
set the group interval for date values.