COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPredefinedCondition : IDispatch
  [id(1)] HRESULT AlternateRows([in]int alternateRow);
  [id(2)] HRESULT AlternateColumns([in]int alternateColumn);
  [id(3)] HRESULT TopValues([in]int tops);
  [id(4)] HRESULT BottomValues([in]int bottoms);
  [id(5)] HRESULT HideErrors();
  [id(6)] HRESULT IsNumber();
  [id(7)] HRESULT IsFormula();
  [id(8)] HRESULT GroupBy([in]int column);
  [id(9)] HRESULT TopRatio([in]int values);
  [id(10)] HRESULT BottomRatio([in]int values);
  [id(11)] HRESULT TopRatioAsPercent([in]double f);
  [id(12)] HRESULT BottomRatioAsPercent([in]double f);
  [id(13)] HRESULT VersusAverage([in]enumRankAverageType averageType);
  [id(14)] HRESULT DuplicateValues();
  [id(15)] HRESULT UniqueValues();
  [id(16)] HRESULT ContainsText([in]BSTR text);
  [id(17)] HRESULT NotContainsText([in]BSTR text);
  [id(18)] HRESULT BeginsWith([in]BSTR text);
  [id(19)] HRESULT EndsWith([in]BSTR text);
  [id(20)] HRESULT ContainsBlanks();
  [id(21)] HRESULT NotContainsBlanks();
  [id(22)] HRESULT ContainsErrors();
  [id(23)] HRESULT NotContainsErrors();
  [id(24)] HRESULT DatesMatchingPeriod([in]enumConditionalTimePeriod tp);



HRESULT AlternateRows([in]int alternateRow);
creates alternate rows. The parameter defines the i-th row where it applies modulo 2. Pass 0 so that it applies to rows 0, 2, 4, ...Pass 1 so that it applies to rows 1, 3, 5, ...

HRESULT AlternateColumns([in]int alternateColumn);
creates alternate columns. The parameter defines the i-th column where it applies modulo 2. Pass 0 so that it applies to columns 0, 2, 4, ...Pass 1 so that it applies to columns 1, 3, 5, ...

HRESULT TopValues([in]int tops);
creates a top rank of the top values. The parameter defines how many top values you need.

HRESULT BottomValues([in]int bottoms);
creates a bottom rank of the bottom values. The parameter defines how many bottom values you need.

HRESULT HideErrors();
hides the calculation errors such as #N/A, #DIV/0!, ... This works ideally if the font color and background color of the associated formatting style are the same.

HRESULT IsNumber();
highlights cells storing numbers.

HRESULT IsFormula();
highlights cells storing formulas.

HRESULT GroupBy([in]int column);
groups rows by the i-th column (begins at 1), using the font color in the style and a bottom border in each group.

HRESULT TopRatio([in]int values);
creates a top rank. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT BottomRatio([in]int values);
creates a bottom rank. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT TopRatioAsPercent([in]double f);
creates a top rank with a percent passed in parameter. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT BottomRatioAsPercent([in]double f);
creates a bottom rank with a percent passed in parameter. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT VersusAverage([in]enumRankAverageType averageType);
creates a rank based on an average function. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT DuplicateValues();
creates a rank based on duplicate values. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT UniqueValues();
creates a rank based on unique values. Enabled only with XLSX files.

HRESULT ContainsText([in]BSTR text);
highlights cells which contain the text passed in parameter.

HRESULT NotContainsText([in]BSTR text);
highlights cells which do not contain the text passed in parameter.

HRESULT BeginsWith([in]BSTR text);
highlights cells which begin with the text passed in parameter..

HRESULT EndsWith([in]BSTR text);
highlights cells which end with the text passed in parameter..

HRESULT ContainsBlanks();
highlights cells which contain blanks.

HRESULT NotContainsBlanks();
highlights cells which do not contain blanks.

HRESULT ContainsErrors();
highlights cells which contain errors.

HRESULT NotContainsErrors();
highlights cells which do not contain errors.

HRESULT DatesMatchingPeriod([in]enumConditionalTimePeriod tp);
highlights cells which contain dates matching the time period passed in parameter.