IXlsSearchResult |
COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )
interface IXlsSearchResult : IDispatch
[id(1),propget] HRESULT Row([out, retval]int* row);
[id(2),propget] HRESULT Col([out, retval]int* col);
HRESULT Row([out, retval]int* row);
returns the row of the cell in the result. The return value is 1-based. When the return value of the row and of the column is 0, it's because the result represents a match in the worksheet name itself, in which case the (row,col) value pair does not make sense.
HRESULT Col([out, retval]int* col);
returns the column of the cell in the result. The return value is 1-based. When the return value of the row and of the column is 0, it's because the result represents a match in the worksheet name itself, in which case the (row,col) value pair does not make sense.