COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsTableDataSource : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT ConnectionString([in]BSTR connectionString);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT SQLStatement([in]BSTR statement);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT DatatypesToDumpToFile([in]BSTR filename);
  [id(4),propget] HRESULT CommandTimeout([out, retval]int* commandtimeout);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT CommandTimeout([in]int commandtimeout);
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT ConnectionTimeout([out, retval]int* connectiontimeout);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT ConnectionTimeout([in]int connectiontimeout);
  [id(6),propget] HRESULT RecordCursor([out, retval]enumDataSourceRecordCursor* cursorType);
  [id(6),propput] HRESULT RecordCursor([in]enumDataSourceRecordCursor cursorType);
  [id(7),propget] HRESULT Range([out, retval] BSTR* cellrange);
  [id(7),propput] HRESULT Range([in] BSTR cellrange);
  [id(8)        ] HRESULT AddRow();
  [id(9),propget] HRESULT DataRange([out, retval] BSTR* datarange);
  [id(9),propput] HRESULT DataRange([in] BSTR datarange);
  [id(10)       ] HRESULT Run();



HRESULT ConnectionString([in]BSTR connectionString);
sets the connection string of the data source. Example : "dsn=database;uid=;pwd=;"

HRESULT SQLStatement([in]BSTR statement);
sets the SQL statement attached to the data source. Example : "select * from Table1"

HRESULT DatatypesToDumpToFile([in]BSTR filename);
sets the filename where xlsgen will write a summary of column data types as seen from the SQL stand point and column data types as seen by the data driver layer used by xlsgen. Default : no file is written.

HRESULT CommandTimeout([out, retval]int* commandtimeout);
returns the command timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. 0 means indefinite wait.

HRESULT CommandTimeout([in]int commandtimeout);
sets the command timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. 0 means indefinite wait. Meant to be set before the connection string.

HRESULT ConnectionTimeout([out, retval]int* connectiontimeout);
returns the connection timeout. Defaults to 15 seconds. 0 means indefinite wait.

HRESULT ConnectionTimeout([in]int connectiontimeout);
sets the connection timeout. Defaults to 15 seconds. 0 means indefinite wait. Meant to be set before the connection string.

HRESULT RecordCursor([out, retval]enumDataSourceRecordCursor* cursorType);
returns the record cursor type. Default is : server. Most databases have a server-based record cursor for navigating records. Use client if the server does not expose one.

HRESULT RecordCursor([in]enumDataSourceRecordCursor cursorType);
sets the record cursor type. Default is : server. Most databases have a server-based record cursor for navigating records. Use client if the server does not expose one.

HRESULT Range([out, retval] BSTR* cellrange);
retrieves the full definition of the range. It includes one contiguous blocks of cells. The format used is RxxCx:RyyCy.

HRESULT Range([in] BSTR cellrange);
sets the full definition of the range. It includes one contiguous blocks of cells. The format used is RxxCx:RyyCy.

adds a row to the existing range.

HRESULT DataRange([out, retval] BSTR* datarange);
retrieves the definition of the table range excluding header and total rows. The format used is RxxCx:RyyCy.

HRESULT DataRange([in] BSTR datarange);
sets the definition of the table range excluding header and total rows. The format used is RxxCx:RyyCy.

executes the SQL statement.