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interface IXlsWorkbookSummaryProperties : IDispatch
  [id(0x00020001),propget]        HRESULT DocumentTitle([out, retval] BSTR* documenttitle);
  [id(0x00020001),propput]        HRESULT DocumentTitle([in] BSTR documenttitle);
  [id(0x00020002),propget]        HRESULT Subject([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrSubject);
  [id(0x00020002),propput]        HRESULT Subject([in] BSTR bstrSubject);
  [id(0x00020003),propget]        HRESULT Author([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrAuthor);
  [id(0x00020003),propput]        HRESULT Author([in] BSTR bstrAuthor);
  [id(0x00020004),propget]        HRESULT Keywords([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKeywords);
  [id(0x00020004),propput]        HRESULT Keywords([in] BSTR bstrKeywords);
  [id(0x00020005),propget]        HRESULT Comments([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrComments);
  [id(0x00020005),propput]        HRESULT Comments([in] BSTR bstrComments);
  [id(0x00020006),propget]        HRESULT Template([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrTemplate);
  [id(0x00020007),propget]        HRESULT LastSavedBy([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrLastSavedBy);
  [id(0x00020007),propput]        HRESULT LastSavedBy([in] BSTR bstrLastSavedBy);
  [id(0x00020008),propget]        HRESULT RevisionNumber([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRevisionNumber);
  [id(0x00020008),propput]        HRESULT RevisionNumber([in] BSTR bstrRevisionNumber);
  [id(0x00020009),propget]        HRESULT TotalEditTime([out, retval] long* plTotalEditTime);
  [id(0x0002000A),propget]        HRESULT DateLastPrinted([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateLastPrinted);
  [id(0x0002000A),propput]        HRESULT DateLastPrinted([in] VARIANT* pdtDateLastPrinted);
  [id(0x0002000B),propget]        HRESULT DateCreated([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateCreated);
  [id(0x0002000B),propput]        HRESULT DateCreated([in] VARIANT* pdtDateCreated);
  [id(0x0002000C),propget]        HRESULT DateLastSaved([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateLastSaved);
  [id(0x0002000C),propput]        HRESULT DateLastSaved([in] VARIANT* pdtDateLastSaved);
  [id(0x00020010),propget]        HRESULT Thumbnail([out, retval] VARIANT* pvtThumbnail);
  [id(0x00020011),propget]        HRESULT ApplicationName([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrAppName);
  [id(0x00020011),propput]        HRESULT ApplicationName([in] BSTR bstrAppName);
  [id(0x00020012),hidden,propget] HRESULT DocumentSecurity([out, retval] long* plDocSecurity);
  [id(0x00020013),propget]        HRESULT Category([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCategory);
  [id(0x00020013),propput]        HRESULT Category([in] BSTR bstrCategory);
  [id(0x0002001C),propget]        HRESULT Manager([out, retval] BSTR* Manager);
  [id(0x0002001C),propput]        HRESULT Manager([in] BSTR Manager);
  [id(0x0002001D),propget]        HRESULT Company([out, retval] BSTR* Company);
  [id(0x0002001D),propput]        HRESULT Company([in] BSTR Company);
  [id(0x0002001F),propget]        HRESULT SharedDocument([out, retval] BOOL* pbSharedDocument);
  [id(0x0002001F),propput]        HRESULT SharedDocument([in] BOOL pbSharedDocument);
  [id(0x00020020),propget]        HRESULT DocumentVersion([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrVersion);
  [id(0x00020020),propput]        HRESULT DocumentVersion([in] BSTR bstrVersion);
  [id(0x00020021),hidden,propget] HRESULT DigitalSignature([out, retval] VARIANT* pvtDigSig);


HRESULT DocumentTitle([out, retval] BSTR* documenttitle);
returns the document's title.

HRESULT DocumentTitle([in] BSTR documenttitle);
sets the document's title.

HRESULT Subject([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrSubject);
returns the document's subject.

HRESULT Subject([in] BSTR bstrSubject);
sets the document's subject.

HRESULT Author([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrAuthor);
returns the name of the document's author.

HRESULT Author([in] BSTR bstrAuthor);
sets the name of the document's author.

HRESULT Keywords([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrKeywords);
returns the document keywords.

HRESULT Keywords([in] BSTR bstrKeywords);
sets the document keywords.

HRESULT Comments([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrComments);
returns comments for the document.

HRESULT Comments([in] BSTR bstrComments);
sets comments for the document.

HRESULT Template([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrTemplate);
returns the name of the template used to create the document.

HRESULT LastSavedBy([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrLastSavedBy);
returns the name of the last person to edit and save the file.

HRESULT LastSavedBy([in] BSTR bstrLastSavedBy);
sets the name of the last person to edit and save the file.

HRESULT RevisionNumber([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRevisionNumber);
returns the revision number.

HRESULT RevisionNumber([in] BSTR bstrRevisionNumber);
sets the revision number.

HRESULT TotalEditTime([out, retval] long* plTotalEditTime);
returns the total number of minutes the document was edited.

HRESULT DateLastPrinted([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateLastPrinted);
returns the date the document was last printed.

HRESULT DateLastPrinted([in] VARIANT* pdtDateLastPrinted);
sets the date the document was last printed.

HRESULT DateCreated([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateCreated);
returns the date the document was created.

HRESULT DateCreated([in] VARIANT* pdtDateCreated);
sets the date the document was created.

HRESULT DateLastSaved([out, retval] VARIANT* pdtDateLastSaved);
returns the date the document was last saved.

HRESULT DateLastSaved([in] VARIANT* pdtDateLastSaved);
sets the date the document was last saved.

HRESULT Thumbnail([out, retval] VARIANT* pvtThumbnail);
returns the thumbnail image for the document.

HRESULT ApplicationName([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrAppName);
returns the name of the application that made the file.

HRESULT ApplicationName([in] BSTR bstrAppName);
sets the name of the application that made the file.

HRESULT DocumentSecurity([out, retval] long* plDocSecurity);
returns the read-only recommendation setting (not always reliable).

HRESULT Category([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCategory);
returns the document's category.

HRESULT Category([in] BSTR bstrCategory);
sets the document's category.

HRESULT Manager([out, retval] BSTR* Manager);
returns an associated manager.

HRESULT Manager([in] BSTR Manager);
sets an associated manager.

HRESULT Company([out, retval] BSTR* Company);
returns the name of the company.

HRESULT Company([in] BSTR Company);
sets the name of the company.

HRESULT SharedDocument([out, retval] BOOL* pbSharedDocument);
tells whether the file is a shared document/workbook.

HRESULT SharedDocument([in] BOOL pbSharedDocument);
sets whether the file is a shared document/workbook.

HRESULT DocumentVersion([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrVersion);
returns the version of the document.

HRESULT DocumentVersion([in] BSTR bstrVersion);
sets the version of the document. Example : 10.0

HRESULT DigitalSignature([out, retval] VARIANT* pvtDigSig);
returns the digital signature for the signed document.