COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsWorksheetDimensions : IDispatch
  [id(1), propget] HRESULT FirstRow([out, retval] int* row);
  [id(2), propget] HRESULT LastRow([out, retval] int* row);
  [id(3), propget] HRESULT FirstColumn([out, retval] int* col);
  [id(4), propget] HRESULT LastColumn([out, retval] int* col);
  [id(5), propget] HRESULT Range([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);



HRESULT FirstRow([out, retval] int* row);
returns the first row of the worksheet.

HRESULT LastRow([out, retval] int* row);
returns the last row of the worksheet.

HRESULT FirstColumn([out, retval] int* col);
returns the first column of the worksheet.

HRESULT LastColumn([out, retval] int* col);
returns the last column of the worksheet.

HRESULT Range([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
returns the range object for the worksheet's used cell range.