COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsWorksheetExport : IDispatch

  [id(1)        ] HRESULT ExportAsCSV([in]BSTR csvfilename, [in]BOOL bUseUTF8Encoding);
  [id(2)        ] HRESULT ExportAsXML([in]BSTR xmlfilename, [in]BOOL bExportDatatypes);
  [id(3)        ] HRESULT ExportAsPDF([in]BSTR pdffilename);
  [id(4)        ] HRESULT ExportAsHTML([in]BSTR htmlffilename);
  [id(5)        ] HRESULT ExportAsOpenOfficeFormat([in]BSTR odsfilename);
  [id(6),propget] HRESULT Options([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetExportOptions** options);
  [id(7)        ] HRESULT ExportAsXPS([in]BSTR xpsfilename);



HRESULT ExportAsCSV([in]BSTR csvfilename, [in]BOOL bUseUTF8Encoding);
exports the worksheet as CSV using the passed filename. The second parameter lets you define the string encoding, TRUE for UTF8 and FALSE for the local charset encoding.

HRESULT ExportAsXML([in]BSTR xmlfilename, [in]BOOL bExportDatatypes);
exports the worksheet as XML using the passed filename. Encoding of values is UTF8. The second parameter lets you tell whether or not you want not only the value of cells but also their data type.

HRESULT ExportAsPDF([in]BSTR pdffilename);
exports the worksheet as PDF using the passed filename.

HRESULT ExportAsHTML([in]BSTR htmlffilename);
exports the worksheet as HTML using the passed filename. The HTML export creates more than one file.

HRESULT ExportAsOpenOfficeFormat([in]BSTR odsfilename);
exports the worksheet as Open Office format (.ods) using the passed filename.

HRESULT Options([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetExportOptions** options);
returns the export options.

HRESULT ExportAsXPS([in]BSTR xpsfilename);
exports the worksheet as XPS using the passed filename.