COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsWorksheetPane : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT Split([out, retval]BOOL* split);
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT Split([in]BOOL split);

  [id(2),propget] HRESULT SplitLimit([out, retval]int* rowOrColumn);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT SplitLimit([in]int rowOrColumn);

  [id(3),propget] HRESULT FirstVisibleItemAfterSplit([out, retval]int* rowOrColumn);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT FirstVisibleItemAfterSplit([in]int rowOrColumn);

  [id(4),propget] HRESULT Freeze([out, retval]BOOL* freeze);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT Freeze([in]BOOL freeze);


HRESULT Split([out, retval]BOOL* split);
returns whether the pane is splitted.

HRESULT Split([in]BOOL split);
sets whether the pane is splitted.

HRESULT SplitLimit([out, retval]int* rowOrColumn);
returns the row or column where the split is made. If this is a vertical pane, it's a column. It does not make sense to split at row or column 1 : the passed row or column is greater than 1.

HRESULT SplitLimit([in]int rowOrColumn);
sets the row or column where the split is made. If this is a vertical pane, it's a column. It does not make sense to split at row or column 1 : the passed row or column is greater than 1.

HRESULT FirstVisibleItemAfterSplit([out, retval]int* rowOrColumn);
returns the first visible item after a split. It is a row number or column number depending on the split.

HRESULT FirstVisibleItemAfterSplit([in]int rowOrColumn);
sets the first visible item after a split. It is a row number or column number depending on the split.

HRESULT Freeze([out, retval]BOOL* freeze);
returns whether pane is frozen. The pane should be split before it can be frozen.

HRESULT Freeze([in]BOOL freeze);
sets whether the pane is frozon. The pane should be split before it can be frozen.