COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsXMLImportOptions : IDispatch
  [id(1), propput] HRESULT HeaderRows([in]int rowsInHeaders);
  [id(2), propput] HRESULT HeaderStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(3), propput] HRESULT ColumnStyleByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(4), propput] HRESULT XPath([in]BSTR selectionPath);
  [id(5), propput] HRESULT ColumnDataMappingFormatByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]BSTR format);
  [id(6), propput] HRESULT Charset([in]BSTR charset);
  [id(7), propput] HRESULT Language([in]BSTR Language);
  [id(8), propput] HRESULT ColumnDataTypeByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]enumDataType datatype);
  [id(9), propput] HRESULT ColumnDataTypeByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]enumDataType datatype);
  [id(10),propput] HRESULT ColumnStyleByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(11),propput] HRESULT ColumnDataMappingFormatByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]BSTR format);
  [id(12)        ] HRESULT ColumnSplitByName([in]BSTR columnName, [out, retval]IXlsImportColumnSplitter** columnSplit);
  [id(13)        ] HRESULT ColumnJoinByName([in]BSTR columnName, [out, retval]IXlsImportColumnJoiner** columnJoin);
  [id(14),propput] HRESULT AutoFormatMapping([in]BOOL bEnableAutoFormatMapping);
  [id(15),propput] HRESULT FirstRow([in]int row);
  [id(16),propput] HRESULT FirstColumn([in]int column);
  [id(17),propput] HRESULT AutoFit([in]BOOL autofit);



HRESULT HeaderRows([in]int rowsInHeaders);
sets the number of rows in the column headers. Default is : 0.

HRESULT HeaderStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
sets the formatting style of headers.

HRESULT ColumnStyleByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
sets the style of a column. Default is default style. Column index starts at 1.

HRESULT XPath([in]BSTR selectionPath);
sets the path selection which acts as a filter.

HRESULT ColumnDataMappingFormatByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]BSTR format);
sets the data mapping format of a column, meant to make it possible to import custom formatted data such as dates. Not to be confused with the output format (defined in ColumnStyleByIndex). Column index starts at 1.

HRESULT Charset([in]BSTR charset);
sets the charset encoding for the data. For instance, iso-8859-1.

HRESULT Language([in]BSTR Language);
sets the language for the data. For instance, en-US.

HRESULT ColumnDataTypeByIndex([in]int columnIndex, [in]enumDataType datatype);
sets the data type of a column used to bind the imported data and the actual data in the Excel workbook. Default is automatic inference of the data type. Column index starts at 1.

HRESULT ColumnDataTypeByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]enumDataType datatype);
sets the data type of a column used to bind the imported data and the actual data in the Excel workbook. Default is automatic inference of the data type.

HRESULT ColumnStyleByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]IXlsStyle* style);
sets the style of a column. Default is default style.

HRESULT ColumnDataMappingFormatByName([in]BSTR columnName, [in]BSTR format);
sets the data mapping format of a column, meant to make it possible to import custom formatted data such as dates. Not to be confused with the output format (defined in ColumnStyleByName).

HRESULT ColumnSplitByName([in]BSTR columnName, [out, retval]IXlsImportColumnSplitter** columnSplit);
splits a column, passed by name, into multiple columns.

HRESULT ColumnJoinByName([in]BSTR columnName, [out, retval]IXlsImportColumnJoiner** columnJoin);
joins columns, into a single column passed by name.

HRESULT AutoFormatMapping([in]BOOL bEnableAutoFormatMapping);
sets whether the data should be mapped into numbers/formats combination wherever applicable. Default is : true.

HRESULT FirstRow([in]int row);
sets the first row where the data is inserted during the import process.

HRESULT FirstColumn([in]int column);
sets the first column where the data is inserted during the import process.

HRESULT AutoFit([in]BOOL autofit);
sets whether the columns should be auto-fit, i.e. automatically adjust to the largest width of the values in each column. Default : true.