COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsComment : IDispatch

  [id(1),propget] HRESULT Label([out,retval]BSTR* label);
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT RichText([in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT AlwaysShow([out, retval]BOOL* alwaysshow);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT AlwaysShow([in]BOOL alwaysshow);
  [id(4)]         HRESULT Location([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT BackColor([in]int nRGB);
  [id(6),propput] HRESULT Translucid([in]BOOL translucid);
  [id(7),propput] HRESULT Author([in]BSTR author);
  [id(8),propget] HRESULT CommentRow([out, retval] int* row);
  [id(9),propget] HRESULT CommentColumn([out, retval] int* column);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
  [id(10),propput] HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
  [id(11)        ] HRESULT Delete();
  [id(12),propput] HRESULT Style([in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT FillTransparency1([out,retval]int* transparency1);
  [id(13),propput] HRESULT FillTransparency1([in]int transparency1);



HRESULT Label([out,retval]BSTR* label);
returns the comment's text.

HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label);
sets the comment using raw text.

HRESULT RichText([in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
sets the comment using richly formatting labels.

HRESULT AlwaysShow([out, retval]BOOL* alwaysshow);
returns whether the comment should always be shown. Default value is : no.

HRESULT AlwaysShow([in]BOOL alwaysshow);
sets whether the comment should always be shown. Default value is : no.

HRESULT Location([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
optionally sets the location of the comment in the worksheet.

HRESULT BackColor([in]int nRGB);
sets the comment back color.

HRESULT Translucid([in]BOOL translucid);
sets whether the comment is translucid.

HRESULT Author([in]BSTR author);
sets the author of the comment.

HRESULT CommentRow([out, retval] int* row);
returns the row of the cell where the comment is attached.

HRESULT CommentColumn([out, retval] int* column);
returns the column of the cell where the comment is attached.

HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
returns the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
sets the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT Delete();
deletes the comment.

HRESULT Style([in]IXlsStyle* style);
associates a style to the comment.

HRESULT FillTransparency1([out,retval]int* transparency1);
returns the comment's fill transparency level for the first stop (gradient has two stops) or solid fill. Value is between 0 and 100. Default is 0.

HRESULT FillTransparency1([in]int transparency1);
sets the comment's fill transparency level for the first stop (gradient has two stops) or solid fill. Value is between 0 and 100. Default is 0.