COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPicture : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput]  HRESULT LeftColumn([in]int col1);
  [id(2),propput]  HRESULT RightColumn([in]int col2);
  [id(3),propput]  HRESULT TopCell([in]int row1);
  [id(4),propput]  HRESULT BottomCell([in]int row2);
  [id(5),propput]  HRESULT LeftOffset([in]int offset);
  [id(6),propput]  HRESULT RightOffset([in]int offset);
  [id(7),propput]  HRESULT TopOffset([in]int offset);
  [id(8),propput]  HRESULT BottomOffset([in]int offset);
  [id(9),propput]  HRESULT ScaleWidth([in]int scale);
  [id(10),propput] HRESULT ScaleHeight([in]int scale);
  [id(11),propget] HRESULT LockAspectRatio([out, retval] BOOL* locked);
  [id(11),propput] HRESULT LockAspectRatio([in]BOOL locked);
  [id(12),propget] HRESULT RelativeToOriginalSize([out, retval] BOOL* relativesize);
  [id(12),propput] HRESULT RelativeToOriginalSize([in]BOOL relativesize);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT StretchOption([out, retval]enumShapeStretchOption* option);
  [id(13),propput] HRESULT StretchOption([in]enumShapeStretchOption option);
  [id(14),propget] HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
  [id(14),propput] HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
  [id(15),propget] HRESULT FlipHorizontal([out, retval] BOOL* flipHorz);
  [id(15),propput] HRESULT FlipHorizontal([in]BOOL flipHorz);
  [id(16),propget] HRESULT FlipVertical([out, retval] BOOL* flipVert);
  [id(16),propput] HRESULT FlipVertical([in]BOOL flipVert);
  [id(17),propget] HRESULT Rotation([out, retval] int* angle);
  [id(17),propput] HRESULT Rotation([in]int angle);
  [id(18),propget] HRESULT Borders([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** border);
  [id(19),propget] HRESULT Effect([out, retval]IXlsDrawingEffect** effect);
  [id(20),propput] HRESULT VBAMacro([in]BSTR macro);
  [id(20),propget] HRESULT VBAMacro([out, retval]BSTR* macro);
  [id(21),propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* name);
  [id(21),propput] HRESULT Name([in] BSTR name);
  [id(22),propget] HRESULT ChromaKeyColor([out, retval]int* nRGB);
  [id(22),propput] HRESULT ChromaKeyColor([in]int nRGB);



HRESULT LeftColumn([in]int col1);
sets the left most cell where to insert the picture.

HRESULT RightColumn([in]int col2);
sets the right most cell where to insert the picture.

HRESULT TopCell([in]int row1);
(optional), sets the top most cell where to insert the picture.

HRESULT BottomCell([in]int row2);
(optional), sets the bottom most cell where to insert the picture.

HRESULT LeftOffset([in]int offset);
sets the left offset (optional), i.e. the shift to the grid itself, using a scale measured in 1440 twips. Default value is 0 meaning the left edge of the picture is on the grid. Default value is 0.

HRESULT RightOffset([in]int offset);
sets the right offset (optional), i.e. the shift to the grid itself, using a scale measured in 1440 twips. Default value is 0 meaning the right edge of the picture is on the grid. Default value is 0.

HRESULT TopOffset([in]int offset);
sets the top offset (optional), i.e. the shift to the grid itself, using a scale measured in 1440 twips. Default value is 0 meaning the top edge of the picture is on the grid. Default value is 0.

HRESULT BottomOffset([in]int offset);
sets the bottom offset (optional), i.e. the shift to the grid itself, using a scale measured in 1440 twips. Default value is 0 meaning the bottom edge of the picture is on the grid. Default value is 0.

HRESULT ScaleWidth([in]int scale);
sets the scale in the width direction. Default value is 100, which means the picture is inserted at a normal 100% ratio view.

HRESULT ScaleHeight([in]int scale);
sets the scale in the height direction. Default value is 100, which means the picture is inserted at a normal 100% ratio view.

HRESULT LockAspectRatio([out, retval] BOOL* locked);
returns whether the picture should have a locked aspect ratio when it's stretched. Default is : true.

HRESULT LockAspectRatio([in]BOOL locked);
sets whether the picture should have a locked aspect ratio when it's stretched. Default is : true.

HRESULT RelativeToOriginalSize([out, retval] BOOL* relativesize);
returns whether the picture print preview should be relative to the original picture size. Default is : false.

HRESULT RelativeToOriginalSize([in]BOOL relativesize);
sets whether the picture print preview should be relative to the original picture size. Default is : false.

HRESULT StretchOption([out, retval]enumShapeStretchOption* option);
returns how the picture shape should be moved and/or resized when cell columns/rows are resized. Default is : shapestretchoption_move_noresize

HRESULT StretchOption([in]enumShapeStretchOption option);
sets how the picture shape should be moved and/or resized when cell columns/rows are resized. Default is : shapestretchoption_move_noresize

HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
returns the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
sets the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT FlipHorizontal([out, retval] BOOL* flipHorz);
returns whether the picture is flipped horizontally.

HRESULT FlipHorizontal([in]BOOL flipHorz);
sets whether the picture is flipped horizontally.

HRESULT FlipVertical([out, retval] BOOL* flipVert);
returns whether the picture is flipped vertically.

HRESULT FlipVertical([in]BOOL flipVert);
sets whether the picture is flipped vertically.

HRESULT Rotation([out, retval] int* angle);
returns the rotation angle of the picture. Default is 0 degree.

HRESULT Rotation([in]int angle);
sets the rotation angle of the picture. Default is 0 degree.

HRESULT Borders([out, retval]IXlsChartBorderStyle** border);
retrieves the border object.

HRESULT Effect([out, retval]IXlsDrawingEffect** effect);
retrieves the effect object.

HRESULT VBAMacro([in]BSTR macro);
sets the vba macro name for the picture.

HRESULT VBAMacro([out, retval]BSTR* macro);
returns the vba macro name for the picture.

HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* name);
retrieves the name of the picture.

HRESULT Name([in] BSTR name);
sets the name of the picture.

HRESULT ChromaKeyColor([out, retval]int* nRGB);
returns the chroma key color as RGB which can be used as a mask. Returns 0 by default.

HRESULT ChromaKeyColor([in]int nRGB);
sets the chroma key color as RGB which can be used as a mask.