COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPivotTableField : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget]  HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* name);
  [id(1),propput]  HRESULT Name([in]BSTR name);
  [id(2)]          HRESULT Delete();
  [id(3),propget]  HRESULT AggregateFunction([out, retval]enumPivotAggregateFunction* func);
  [id(3),propput]  HRESULT AggregateFunction([in]enumPivotAggregateFunction func);
  [id(4),propget]  HRESULT SortAscending([out, retval]BOOL* bAscending);
  [id(4),propput]  HRESULT SortAscending([in]BOOL bAscending);
  [id(5)]          HRESULT SelectAllItems();
  [id(6)]          HRESULT UnselectAllItems();
  [id(7)]          HRESULT SelectItemByName([in]BSTR item);
  [id(8)]          HRESULT SelectItemByIndex([in]int item);
  [id(9)]          HRESULT UnselectItemByName([in]BSTR item);
  [id(10)]         HRESULT UnselectItemByIndex([in]int item);
  [id(11),propget] HRESULT ItemsSize([out, retval]int* items);
  [id(12),propput] HRESULT NumberFormat([in]BSTR format);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT ShowValuesAs([in]enumPivotShowFieldValueAs nShowAs, [out, retval]IXlsPivotTableFieldShowAs** pivotFieldShowAs);
  [id(14),propget] HRESULT GroupBy([out, retval]IXlsPivotTableFieldGroupBy** groupBy);



HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* name);
retrieves the name of the pivot field.

HRESULT Name([in]BSTR name);
changes the name of the pivot field.

HRESULT Delete();
deletes the pivot field.

HRESULT AggregateFunction([out, retval]enumPivotAggregateFunction* func);
retrieves the aggregate function associated to the pivot field.

HRESULT AggregateFunction([in]enumPivotAggregateFunction func);
sets the aggregate function associated to the pivot field.

HRESULT SortAscending([out, retval]BOOL* bAscending);
retrieves the sort order of items of the pivot field.

HRESULT SortAscending([in]BOOL bAscending);
changes the sort order of items of the pivot field.

HRESULT SelectAllItems();
selects all items of the pivot field.

HRESULT UnselectAllItems();
unselects all items of the pivot field.

HRESULT SelectItemByName([in]BSTR item);
selects the name matching item of the pivot field.

HRESULT SelectItemByIndex([in]int item);
selects the i-th item of the pivot field.

HRESULT UnselectItemByName([in]BSTR item);
Unselects the name matching item of the pivot field.

HRESULT UnselectItemByIndex([in]int item);
unselects the i-th item of the pivot field.

HRESULT ItemsSize([out, retval]int* items);
retrieves the number of items attached to the pivot field.

HRESULT NumberFormat([in]BSTR format);
sets the Number format. Applies to numeric fields (measures).

HRESULT ShowValuesAs([in]enumPivotShowFieldValueAs nShowAs, [out, retval]IXlsPivotTableFieldShowAs** pivotFieldShowAs);
sets how the values should show. Default value is : normal. Applies to data fields only.

HRESULT GroupBy([out, retval]IXlsPivotTableFieldGroupBy** groupBy);
groups data according to numeric or date intervals. Applies to row and column fields only.