COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsPivotTableFieldShowAs : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT BasePivotField([in]IXlsPivotTableField* pivotField);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT BasePivotItem([in]BSTR item);
  [id(3)]         HRESULT BasePivotPreviousItem();
  [id(4)]         HRESULT BasePivotNextItem();


HRESULT BasePivotField([in]IXlsPivotTableField* pivotField);
associates this pivot field to perform the 'show as' value selection. Applies to : Difference from, % Of, % difference from, Running total.

HRESULT BasePivotItem([in]BSTR item);
associates the pivot field item, passed by name to filter the selection. Applies to : Difference from, % Of, % difference from.

HRESULT BasePivotPreviousItem();
associates the previous pivot field item to perform the 'show as' value selection. Applies to : Difference from, % Of, % difference from.

HRESULT BasePivotNextItem();
associates the next pivot field item to perform the 'show as' value selection. Applies to : Difference from, % Of, % difference from.