COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsTableColumn : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT HeaderStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT DataStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT Name([in]BSTR columnname);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* columnname);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT Hidden([in]BOOL bHidden);
  [id(4),propget] HRESULT Hidden([out, retval]BOOL* bHidden);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT DisplayOrder([in]int newindex);
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT DisplayOrder([out, retval]int* newindex);
  [id(6),propget] HRESULT Filter([out,retval]IXlsCustomFilter** customFilter);
  [id(7),propget] HRESULT Sorting([out,retval]IXlsTableSort** sort);
  [id(8)        ] HRESULT GroupBy([in]enumGroupBy type);
  [id(9),propget] HRESULT Map([out,retval]IXlsTableMap** mapProperties);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT ID([out,retval]BSTR* id);
  [id(11)        ] HRESULT AddPrompt([out,retval]IXlsTablePrompt** prompt);
  [id(12)        ] HRESULT AddNestedPrompt([in]IXlsTablePrompt* inputPrompt, [out,retval]IXlsTablePrompt** prompt);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT Breaks([out,retval]IXlsTableBreaks** breaks);



HRESULT HeaderStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
sets the formatting style of the header.

HRESULT DataStyle([in]IXlsStyle* style);
sets the formatting style of the data.

HRESULT Name([in]BSTR columnname);
sets or resets the column name.

HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* columnname);
returns the column name.

HRESULT Hidden([in]BOOL bHidden);
defines whether the column is hidden. Default is : FALSE.

HRESULT Hidden([out, retval]BOOL* bHidden);
returns whether the column is hidden. Default is : FALSE.

HRESULT DisplayOrder([in]int newindex);
changes the order of the column.

HRESULT DisplayOrder([out, retval]int* newindex);
retrieves the order of the column.

HRESULT Filter([out,retval]IXlsCustomFilter** customFilter);
returns the custom filter for the column.

HRESULT Sorting([out,retval]IXlsTableSort** sort);
returns the sort properties for the column.

HRESULT GroupBy([in]enumGroupBy type);
makes the column preeminant in the table and displayed according to the passed parameter.

HRESULT Map([out,retval]IXlsTableMap** mapProperties);
returns the map properties for the column.

HRESULT ID([out,retval]BSTR* id);
returns the ID of the column.

HRESULT AddPrompt([out,retval]IXlsTablePrompt** prompt);
adds a prompt to the column.

HRESULT AddNestedPrompt([in]IXlsTablePrompt* inputPrompt, [out,retval]IXlsTablePrompt** prompt);
adds a nested prompt to the passed prompt.

HRESULT Breaks([out,retval]IXlsTableBreaks** breaks);
returns the breaks object for the column.