COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsTableSort : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT Order([in]BOOL bAscending);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT CustomList([in]IXlsList* list);
  [id(3),propget] HRESULT AdditionalKey([in]IXlsTableColumn* column,[out,retval]IXlsTableSort** sort);
  [id(4)]         HRESULT Apply();


HRESULT Order([in]BOOL bAscending);
sets the order for sorting, ascending or descending. Default is : ascending.

HRESULT CustomList([in]IXlsList* list);
sets an optional custom list for sorting.

HRESULT AdditionalKey([in]IXlsTableColumn* column,[out,retval]IXlsTableSort** sort);
sets an optional additional key for sorting.

HRESULT Apply();
sorts the data.