COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsTextBox : IDispatch
  [id(1),propput] HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label);
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT Label([out, retval]BSTR* label);
  [id(2),propput] HRESULT RichLabel([in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
  [id(3),propput] HRESULT Hyperlink([in]IXlsHyperlink* hlink);
  [id(4),propget] HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] BOOL* autosize);
  [id(4),propput] HRESULT AutoSize([in]BOOL autosize);
  [id(5),propput] HRESULT Formula([in]BSTR formula);
  [id(5),propget] HRESULT Formula([out, retval]BSTR* formula);
  [id(6),propget] HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
  [id(6),propput] HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
  [id(7),propput] HRESULT Style([in]IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(8),propget] HRESULT LeftColumn([out, retval]int* col1);
  [id(9),propget] HRESULT RightColumn([out, retval]int* col2);
  [id(10),propget] HRESULT TopCell([out, retval]int* row1);
  [id(11),propget] HRESULT BottomCell([out, retval]int* row2);
  [id(12),propget] HRESULT LeftOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT RightOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
  [id(14),propget] HRESULT TopOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
  [id(15),propget] HRESULT BottomOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
  [id(16)        ] HRESULT ExtractToFile([out, retval]BSTR* filename);
  [id(17)        ] HRESULT ExtractToMemory([in]IUnknown* lockbytes);
  [id(18)        ] HRESULT Delete();
  [id(19),propget] HRESULT Patterns([out, retval]IXlsChartPatterns** patterns);
  [id(20),propget] HRESULT FlipHorizontal([out, retval] BOOL* flipHorz);
  [id(20),propput] HRESULT FlipHorizontal([in]BOOL flipHorz);
  [id(21),propget] HRESULT FlipVertical([out, retval] BOOL* flipVert);
  [id(21),propput] HRESULT FlipVertical([in]BOOL flipVert);
  [id(22),propget] HRESULT Rotation([out, retval] int* angle);
  [id(22),propput] HRESULT Rotation([in]int angle);
  [id(23),propput] HRESULT MarginLeft([in]int pixels);
  [id(24),propput] HRESULT MarginRight([in]int pixels);
  [id(25),propput] HRESULT MarginTop([in]int pixels);
  [id(26),propput] HRESULT MarginBottom([in]int pixels);
  [id(27),propput] HRESULT VBAMacro([in]BSTR macro);
  [id(27),propget] HRESULT VBAMacro([out, retval]BSTR* macro);
  [id(28),propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* name);
  [id(28),propput] HRESULT Name([in] BSTR name);



HRESULT Label([in]BSTR label);
sets the content of the text box.

HRESULT Label([out, retval]BSTR* label);
returns the content of the text box.

HRESULT RichLabel([in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
sets the content of the text box using richly formatting labels.

HRESULT Hyperlink([in]IXlsHyperlink* hlink);
adds a hyperlink to the text box.

HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] BOOL* autosize);
returns whether the text box should auto scale to fit the text. This option is ignored if the text box is part of an Excel 2007 file.

HRESULT AutoSize([in]BOOL autosize);
sets whether the text box should auto scale to fit the text. This option is ignored if the text box is part of an Excel 2007 file.

HRESULT Formula([in]BSTR formula);
sets the formula for the text box.

HRESULT Formula([out, retval]BSTR* formula);
returns the formula for the text box.

HRESULT AlternativeText([out, retval]BSTR* text);
returns the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT AlternativeText([in]BSTR text);
sets the alternative text. Optional.

HRESULT Style([in]IXlsStyle* style);
associates a style to the text box.

HRESULT LeftColumn([out, retval]int* col1);
returns the left worksheet column of the text box.

HRESULT RightColumn([out, retval]int* col2);
returns the right worksheet column of the text box.

HRESULT TopCell([out, retval]int* row1);
returns the top worksheet row of the text box.

HRESULT BottomCell([out, retval]int* row2);
returns the bottom worksheet row of the text box.

HRESULT LeftOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
returns the left worksheet column offset of the text box. Value is 0 if it coincides with the worksheet grid.

HRESULT RightOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
returns the right worksheet column offset of the text box. Value is 0 if it coincides with the worksheet grid.

HRESULT TopOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
returns the top worksheet row offset of the text box. Value is 0 if it coincides with the worksheet grid.

HRESULT BottomOffset([out, retval]int* offset);
returns the bottom worksheet rowoffset of the text box. Value is 0 if it coincides with the worksheet grid.

HRESULT ExtractToFile([out, retval]BSTR* filename);
creates a copy of the rendered text box in a file and returns the filename. Client applications must be ready to accept the PNG file format.

HRESULT ExtractToMemory([in]IUnknown* lockbytes);
creates a copy of the rendered text box in memory. PNG buffer.

HRESULT Delete();
deletes the text box.

HRESULT Patterns([out, retval]IXlsChartPatterns** patterns);
returns the patterns object.

HRESULT FlipHorizontal([out, retval] BOOL* flipHorz);
returns whether the text box is flipped horizontally.

HRESULT FlipHorizontal([in]BOOL flipHorz);
sets whether the text box is flipped horizontally.

HRESULT FlipVertical([out, retval] BOOL* flipVert);
returns whether the text box is flipped vertically.

HRESULT FlipVertical([in]BOOL flipVert);
sets whether the text box is flipped vertically.

HRESULT Rotation([out, retval] int* angle);
returns the rotation angle of the text box. Default is 0 degree.

HRESULT Rotation([in]int angle);
sets the rotation angle of the text box. Default is 0 degree.

HRESULT MarginLeft([in]int pixels);
sets the left margin inside the text box, in pixels. Default is : automatic margin computation.

HRESULT MarginRight([in]int pixels);
sets the right margin inside the text box, in pixels. Default is : automatic margin computation.

HRESULT MarginTop([in]int pixels);
sets the top margin inside the text box, in pixels. Default is : automatic margin computation.

HRESULT MarginBottom([in]int pixels);
sets the bottom margin inside the text box, in pixels. Default is : automatic margin computation.

HRESULT VBAMacro([in]BSTR macro);
sets the vba macro name for the text box.

HRESULT VBAMacro([out, retval]BSTR* macro);
returns the vba macro name for the text box.

HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* name);
retrieves the name of the text box.

HRESULT Name([in] BSTR name);
sets the name of the text box.