COM interface ( getting help with interfaces )


interface IXlsXMLImport : IDispatch
  [id(1),propget] HRESULT Options([out, retval]IXlsXMLImportOptions** xmlOptions);
  [id(2)]         HRESULT ImportFromURL([in]BSTR url);
  [id(3)]         HRESULT ImportFile([in]BSTR xmlFilename);
  [id(4)]         HRESULT ImportBuffer([in]IUnknown* inputLockbytes);


HRESULT Options([out, retval]IXlsXMLImportOptions** xmlOptions);
returns the options of XML importer used to import .XML files.

HRESULT ImportFromURL([in]BSTR url);
imports an xml buffer from the passed URL.

HRESULT ImportFile([in]BSTR xmlFilename);
imports a .XML file.

HRESULT ImportBuffer([in]IUnknown* inputLockbytes);
imports a .XML buffer loaded in a ILockBytes interface.