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interface IXlsWorksheet : IDispatch

  [id(1),propput ] HRESULT Label([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR label);
  [id(1),propget ] HRESULT Label([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* label);

  [id(2),propput ] HRESULT Number([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]int n);
  [id(2),propget ] HRESULT Number([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]int* n);

  [id(3),propput ] HRESULT Float([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]double f);
  [id(3),propget ] HRESULT Float([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]double* f);

  [id(4),propput ] HRESULT Formula([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR formula);
  [id(4),propget ] HRESULT Formula([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* formula);

  [id(5),propput ] HRESULT RichLabel([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
  [id(6),propput ] HRESULT ConditionalFormatting([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]IXlsConditionalFormatting* cf);
  [id(7)         ] HRESULT NewStyle([out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
  [id(8)         ] HRESULT NewRichLabel([out, retval] IXlsRichLabel** rl);
  [id(10)        ] HRESULT NewConditionalFormatting([out, retval] IXlsConditionalFormatting** cf);
  [id(11),propput] HRESULT ColWidth([in]int col, [in]double width);
  [id(11),propget] HRESULT ColWidth([in]int col, [out, retval]double* width);
  [id(12),propput] HRESULT RowHeight([in]int row, [in]double height);
  [id(12),propget] HRESULT RowHeight([in]int row, [out, retval]double* height);
  [id(13),propget] HRESULT StyleFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
  [id(13),propput] HRESULT StyleFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [in] IXlsStyle* style);
  [id(14),propput] HRESULT MultipleColWidth([in]int colstart, [in]int colend, [in]double width);
  [id(15),propput] HRESULT MultipleRowHeight([in]int rowstart, [in]int rowend, [in]double height);
  [id(16),propget] HRESULT DefaultStyle([out,retval]int* index);
  [id(16),propput] HRESULT DefaultStyle([in]int index);
  [id(17)        ] HRESULT NewHyperlink([out, retval] IXlsHyperlink** hlink);
  [id(18),propput] HRESULT Hyperlink([in]int row, [in]int col, [in] IXlsHyperlink* hlink);
  [id(19)        ] HRESULT NewRange([in]BSTR cellrange, [out, retval] IXlsRange** range);
  [id(20),propget] HRESULT Range([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsRange** range);
  [id(21),propget] HRESULT PageSetup([out, retval] IXlsPageSetup** pagesetup);
  [id(22),propput] HRESULT Selected([in]BOOL selected);
  [id(22),propget] HRESULT Selected([out, retval]BOOL* selected);
  [id(23),propput] HRESULT Hidden([in]enumVisibility nHidden);
  [id(23),propget] HRESULT Hidden([out, retval]enumVisibility* nHidden);
  [id(24)        ] HRESULT Select([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
  [id(25),propput] HRESULT Name([in]BSTR worksheetname);
  [id(25),propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* worksheetname);
  [id(26),propput] HRESULT DisplayOrder([in]int newindex);
  [id(26),propget] HRESULT DisplayOrder([out, retval]int* index);
  [id(27)        ] HRESULT Delete();
  [id(28)        ] HRESULT InsertHorizontalPageBreak([in]int row);
  [id(29)        ] HRESULT InsertVerticalPageBreak([in]int col);
  [id(32),propput] HRESULT DefaultColWidth([in]double colwidth);
  [id(32),propget] HRESULT DefaultColWidth([out, retval]double* colwidth);
  [id(33),propput] HRESULT DefaultRowHeight([in]double pixels);
  [id(33),propget] HRESULT DefaultRowHeight([out, retval]double* pixels);
  [id(34),propput] HRESULT Zoom([in]int percent);
  [id(34),propget] HRESULT Zoom([out, retval]int* percent);
  [id(35),propget] HRESULT ContainsFormula([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* ContainsAFormula);
  [id(36)        ] HRESULT NewPicture([in]BSTR filename, 
                                   [in]int row1, [in]int col1, 
                                   [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                                   [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, 
                                   [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset);
  [id(37)        ] HRESULT NewDataValidation([in]int row1, [in]int col1, 
                                     [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                                     [out, retval] IXlsDataValidation** dv);
  [id(38)        ] HRESULT Duplicate([in]BSTR newworksheetname, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
  [id(39),propget] HRESULT LockProperties([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetLockProperties** lockproperties);
  [id(40),propget] HRESULT Dimensions([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetDimensions** dimensions);
  [id(41),propget] HRESULT Export([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetExport** exporter);
  [id(42),propget] HRESULT Columns([in]BSTR range, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheetColumns** columns);
  [id(43),propget] HRESULT Rows([in]BSTR range, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheetRows** rows);
  [id(44),propget] HRESULT CellToRangeR1C1([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
  [id(45),propget] HRESULT CellToRangeAX([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
  [id(46),propget] HRESULT AreaToRangeR1C1([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
  [id(47),propget] HRESULT AreaToRangeAXAX([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
  [id(48),propget] HRESULT HorizontalPane([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetPane** pane);
  [id(49),propget] HRESULT VerticalPane([out, retval] IXlsWorksheetPane** pane);
  [id(51),propget] HRESULT CellType([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] enumDataType* datatype);
  [id(52),propget] HRESULT CellMetadataType([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] enumMetadataType* datatype);
  [id(53),propget] HRESULT TabColor([out, retval] int* nRGB);
  [id(53),propput] HRESULT TabColor([in]int nRGB);
  [id(54)        ] HRESULT NewChart([in]enumChartType type, 
                                    [in]int row1, [in]int col1, 
                                    [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval] IXlsChart** chart);
  [id(55)        ] HRESULT NewDynamicRange([in]BSTR name, [out, retval]IXlsDynamicRange** range);
  [id(56),propget] HRESULT DynamicRange([in]BSTR name, [out, retval]IXlsDynamicRange** range);
  [id(57),propget] HRESULT Date([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* date);
  [id(57),propput] HRESULT Date([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR date);
  [id(58)        ] HRESULT NewComment([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]IXlsComment** comment);
  [id(59)        ] HRESULT DeclareUserDefinedFunction([in]BSTR functionname);
  [id(60),propget] HRESULT Pictures([out, retval] IXlsPictures** pictures);
  [id(61)        ] HRESULT CalculateFormula([in]int row, [in]int col);
  [id(62)        ] HRESULT CalculateFormulas();
  [id(63),propget] HRESULT Import([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetImport** importer);
  [id(64)        ] HRESULT DuplicateFrom([in]IXlsWorksheet* worksheet);
  [id(65),propget] HRESULT Shapes([out, retval]IXlsShapes** shapes);
  [id(66)        ] HRESULT NewVisualComponent([in]BSTR progId, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, 
                                              [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                                              [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, 
                                              [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset,
                                              [out, retval]IXlsVisualComponent** component);
  [id(67),propget] HRESULT Workbook([out, retval]IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
  [id(68),propget] HRESULT FormattedLabel([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* label);
  [id(69),propget] HRESULT IsHorizontalPageBreak([in]int row, [out, retval]BOOL* bPageBreak);
  [id(70),propget] HRESULT IsVerticalPageBreak([in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bPageBreak);
  [id(71),propget] HRESULT IsCellInsidePrintArea([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bInsidePrintArea);
  [id(72),propget] HRESULT StyleComposedFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
  [id(73)        ] HRESULT PrintWith([in]BSTR printerName, [in]BSTR optionalVirtualPrinterFilename);
  [id(74),propget] HRESULT PrintPreview([out, retval] IXlsPrintPreview** preview);
  [id(75)        ] HRESULT UnmergeCell([in]int row, [in]int col);
  [id(76),propget] HRESULT DataValidations([out, retval] IXlsDataValidations** datavalidations);
  [id(77),propget] HRESULT Cell([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsCell** cell);
  [id(78)        ] HRESULT NewPictureInMemory([in]VARIANT inputBytearray, [in]enumPictureType picType,                                 
                               [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                               [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset);
  [id(79),propget] HRESULT ConditionalFormattings([out, retval] IXlsConditionalFormattings** conditionalformattings);
  [id(80)        ] HRESULT DeleteComment([in]int row, [in]int col);
  [id(81)        ] HRESULT DeleteComments();
  [id(82),propget] HRESULT NewTable([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsTable** table);
  [id(83)        ] HRESULT DeleteFormulas();
  [id(84)        ] HRESULT NewTextBox([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                                      [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset,
                                      [out, retval]IXlsTextBox** textbox);
  [id(85),propget] HRESULT Charts([out, retval] IXlsCharts** charts);
  [id(86),propget] HRESULT Comments([out, retval] IXlsComments** comments);
  [id(87),propget] HRESULT AutoFilters([out, retval] IXlsAutoFilter** autofilter);
  [id(88),propget] HRESULT Hyperlinks([out, retval] IXlsHyperlinks** hyperlinks);
  [id(89)        ] HRESULT AddWorksheetAfter([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
  [id(90)        ] HRESULT AddWorksheetBefore([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
  [id(91),propget] HRESULT Type([out, retval] enumWorksheetType* sheetType);
  [id(92),propget] HRESULT TextBoxes([out, retval] IXlsTextBoxes** tbs);
  [id(93),propget] HRESULT Tables([out, retval] IXlsTables** tables);
  [id(94)        ] HRESULT InsertTableAt([in]IXlsTable* table, [in]int row, [in]int col);
  [id(95)        ] HRESULT NewList([out, retval] IXlsList** list);
  [id(96)        ] HRESULT DeleteContents();
  [id(97)        ] HRESULT NewVectorShape([in]enumVectorShape shapeType, [in]int row1,
                                          [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, 
                                          [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset,
                                          [out, retval]IXlsVectorShape** shape);
  [id(98),propget] HRESULT VBAMacros([out, retval]BSTR* macros);
  [id(99),propget] HRESULT VectorShapes([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapes** vss);
  [id(100),propget] HRESULT VBASheetName([out, retval]BSTR* sheetName);
  [id(101),propget] HRESULT IsFormulaCalculated([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bCalculated);
  [id(102),propget] HRESULT CellColumnFromAx([in]BSTR cell, [out, retval]int* column);
  [id(103)        ] HRESULT NewWhatIfTable([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]IXlsWhatIfTable** wit);
  [id(104)        ] HRESULT NewScenario([out, retval] IXlsScenario** scenario);
  [id(105),propget] HRESULT OLEObjects([out, retval]IXlsOLEObjects** oleobjects);
  [id(106)        ] HRESULT NewVectorShapeInPixels([in]enumVectorShape shapeType, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsVectorShape** shape);
  [id(107)        ] HRESULT NewPictureInPixels([in]BSTR filename, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right);
  [id(108)        ] HRESULT NewPictureInMemoryInPixels([in]VARIANT inputBytearray, [in]enumPictureType picType, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right);
  [id(109)        ] HRESULT NewChartInPixels([in]enumChartType type, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval] IXlsChart** chart);
  [id(110)        ] HRESULT NewVisualComponentInPixels([in]BSTR progId, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsVisualComponent** component);
  [id(111)        ] HRESULT NewTextBoxInPixels([in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsTextBox** textbox);
  [id(112),propget] HRESULT Sparklines([out, retval]IXlsSparklines** sparklines);
  [id(113),propget] HRESULT NamedStyle([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
  [id(114),propget] HRESULT UsedRange([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
  [id(115),propput] HRESULT Boolean([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BOOL b);
  [id(115),propget] HRESULT Boolean([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* b);
  [id(116),propput] HRESULT FormulaError([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]enumFormulaError n);
  [id(116),propget] HRESULT FormulaError([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]enumFormulaError* n);
  [id(117),propget] HRESULT SelectionRange([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
  [id(118)        ] HRESULT NewPivotTable([out, retval] IXlsPivotTable** pivotTable);
  [id(119)        ] HRESULT DeleteHyperlinks();
  [id(120),propget] HRESULT FormControls([out, retval] IXlsFormControls** controls);
  [id(121),propget] HRESULT ProtectedRanges([out, retval] IXlsProtectedRanges** pr);
  [id(122),propput] HRESULT ActivePane([in]enumWorksheetPane pane);
  [id(122),propget] HRESULT ActivePane([out, retval]enumWorksheetPane* pane);
  [id(123),propget] HRESULT PivotTables([out, retval]IXlsPivotTables** pivottables);



HRESULT Label([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR label);
puts a label in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters.

HRESULT Label([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* label);
gets the label from a cell.. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters. This method ignores the number format (use FormattedLabel() instead).

HRESULT Number([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]int n);
puts an integer number in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters.

HRESULT Number([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]int* n);
gets the integer number from a cell.. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters.

HRESULT Float([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]double f);
puts a floating point number in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters.

HRESULT Float([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]double* f);
gets the floating point number from a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters.

HRESULT Formula([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR formula);
puts a formula in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters. The formula is calculated when the excel document is opened in Excel. The formula syntax is detailed in the formula section.

HRESULT Formula([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* formula);
gets the cell formula if applicable. The formula syntax is detailed in the formula section.

HRESULT RichLabel([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]IXlsRichLabel* rl);
puts a richly formatted label in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters. The richly formatted object has its own interface, detailed here. In order to create a richly formatting cell, create a new rich label object first (see NewRichLabel()), set its properties, and then call this method to attach it to the cell.

HRESULT ConditionalFormatting([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]IXlsConditionalFormatting* cf);
puts a conditional formatting in a cell. The cell determined by the (row,column) pair passed in parameters. The conditional formatting is entirely determined with its IXlsConditionalFormatting interface. In order to create a conditionally formatted cell, create a new conditional formatting (see NewConditionalFormatting), set its properties, and then call this method to attach it to the cell.

HRESULT NewStyle([out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
creates a new style. Styles are used to apply formatting on cells. When the properties of the style are set, call its Apply() method. There can be as much as 4095 different styles in one Excel document. See IXlsStyle for more information.

HRESULT NewRichLabel([out, retval] IXlsRichLabel** rl);
creates a new richly formatted object to work with. See IXlsRichLabel for more information. This object must be attached to a cell to take effect.

HRESULT NewConditionalFormatting([out, retval] IXlsConditionalFormatting** cf);
creates a new conditional formatting object to work with. See IXlsConditionalFormatting for more information. This object must be attached to a cell to take effect.

HRESULT ColWidth([in]int col, [in]double width);
sets the width to the given column. The width is not expressed in pixels, but instead amounts the proportional size of a nominal character of size 8 pts.

HRESULT ColWidth([in]int col, [out, retval]double* width);
returns the width of the given column. The width is not expressed in pixels, but instead amounts the proportional size of a nominal character of size 8 pts.

HRESULT RowHeight([in]int row, [in]double height);
sets the height to the given row. The height is expressed in pixels.

HRESULT RowHeight([in]int row, [out, retval]double* height);
returns the height of the given row. The height is expressed in pixels.

HRESULT StyleFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
returns the style from the location identified by the (row, column) value pair.

HRESULT StyleFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [in] IXlsStyle* style);
sets the style in a cell.

HRESULT MultipleColWidth([in]int colstart, [in]int colend, [in]double width);
sets the width of multiple columns. The width is not expressed in pixels, but instead amounts the proportional size of a nominal character of size 8 pts.

HRESULT MultipleRowHeight([in]int rowstart, [in]int rowend, [in]double height);
sets the height of multiple rows. The height is expressed in pixels.

HRESULT DefaultStyle([out,retval]int* index);
returns the Default style by index.

HRESULT DefaultStyle([in]int index);
sets the Default style by index. This method is typically generated by the core generator.

HRESULT NewHyperlink([out, retval] IXlsHyperlink** hlink);
creates a new hyperlink interface in which you can set hyperlink options. Remember to attach this hyperlink to the worksheet using the method below.

HRESULT Hyperlink([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]IXlsHyperlink* hlink);
adds the hyperlink to the worksheet.

HRESULT NewRange([in]BSTR cellrange, [out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
creates a range object from which formatting styles can be applied. See IXlsRange and ranges for more information.

HRESULT Range([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsRange** range);
retrieves an existing named range, from which formatting styles can be applied. Especially useful with Excel templates. See IXlsRange and ranges for more information.

HRESULT PageSetup([out, retval] IXlsPageSetup** pagesetup);
retrieves the page setup information for the existing worksheet. See IXlsPageSetup for more information.

HRESULT Selected([in]BOOL selected);
defines whether the current worksheet is selected when the Excel workbook is opened. There can be only one worksheet selected per workbook. By default, the first worksheet is selected.

HRESULT Selected([out, retval]BOOL* selected);
returns true if the current worksheet is selected in the Excel workbook.

Hidden([in]enumVisibility nHidden);
defines whether the current worksheet should be hidden.

HRESULT Hidden([out, retval]enumVisibility* nHidden);
returns true if the current worksheet is hidden when the Excel workbook is opened.

HRESULT Select([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2);
defines the blocks of cells that should be selected when the current worksheet is displayed. By default, cell A1 is selected.

HRESULT Name([in]BSTR worksheetname);
defines the name or renames the current worksheet. Especially useful with Excel templates. The following characters are forbidden : / \\ : * [ ], and the name must be less than 32 characters long.

HRESULT Name([out, retval]BSTR* worksheetname);
retrieves the name of the current worksheet.

HRESULT DisplayOrder([in]int newindex);
defines the place where the current worksheet should show in the workbook. The index is a number between 1 and the amount of worksheets. This property allows ordering and re-ordering of worksheets.

HRESULT DisplayOrder([out, retval]int* index);
gets the current index where the current worksheet shows in the workbook. The index is a number between 1 and the amount of worksheets.

HRESULT Delete();
deletes the current worksheet from the workbook. This method is particularly useful when reading Excel templates, and gives the ability to remove one or more worksheets.

HRESULT InsertHorizontalPageBreak([in]int row);
inserts a page break at the specified row of the current worksheet. The page break is displayed in Excel after clicking on the Preview button.

HRESULT InsertVerticalPageBreak([in]int col);
inserts a page break at the specified column of the current worksheet. The page break is displayed in Excel after clicking on the Preview button.

HRESULT DefaultColWidth([in]double colwidth);
defines the default column width for the current worksheet. It's measured in char width, not in pixels. For instance, a value of 10 will create a column whose width is approximately 10 * 8 pixels.

HRESULT DefaultColWidth([out, retval]double* colwidth);
retrieves the default column width for the current worksheet. It's measured in char width, not in pixels. For instance, a value of 10 will create a column whose width is approximately 10 * 8 pixels.

HRESULT DefaultRowHeight([in]double pixels);
defines the default row height for the current worksheet. The returned value is in pixels.

HRESULT DefaultRowHeight([out, retval]double* pixels);
retrieves the default row height for the current worksheet. The returned value is in pixels.

HRESULT Zoom([in]int percent);
defines the zoom ratio for the current worksheet. 100 is the default value (which translates in a 100% viewed worksheet).

HRESULT Zoom([out, retval]int* percent);
retrieves the zoom ratio for the current worksheet. 100 is the default value (which translates in a 100% viewed worksheet).

HRESULT ContainsFormula([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* ContainsAFormula);
tells whether or not the cell identified by its row and column stores a formula. Formulas override simple values.

HRESULT NewPicture([in]BSTR filename, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset);
inserts a picture whose filename is passed in the first parameter. Supported file formats are BMP/GIF/JPG/JPEG/PNG/WMF/EMF. Other parameters position the picture. (row1,col1) is the top-left corner. (row2,col2) is the bottom-right corner. The 4 corner offsets stretch the picture from the grid, allowing a picture to live outside the boundaries of the grid. These offsets must be positive numbers and are measured in 1440-th.

HRESULT NewDataValidation([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval] IXlsDataValidation** dv);
creates a picklist object to work with.

HRESULT Duplicate([in]BSTR newworksheetname, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
duplicates the worksheet content into a new worksheet whose name is passed in parameter.

HRESULT LockProperties([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetLockProperties** lockproperties);
retrieves the worksheet lock properties. See IXlsWorksheetLockProperties for more information.

HRESULT Dimensions([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetDimensions** dimensions);
retrieves the worksheet dimensions properties. See IXlsWorksheetDimensions for more information.

HRESULT Export([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetExport** exporter);
retrieves the worksheet exporter. See IXlsWorksheetExport for more information.

HRESULT Columns([in]BSTR range, [out, retval]IXlsWorksheetColumns** columns);
retrieves worksheet columns. The passed parameter is a range. Accepted formats are RxxCx:RyyCy (example : R10C1:R12C13), or Ax:Ax (example : A2:B5). See IXlsWorksheetColumns for more information.

HRESULT Rows([in]BSTR range, [out, retval]IXlsWorksheetRows** rows);
retrieves worksheet rows. The passed parameter is a range. Accepted formats are RxxCx:RyyCy (example : R10C1:R12C13), or Ax:Ax (example : A2:B5). See IXlsWorksheetRows for more information.

HRESULT CellToRangeR1C1([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
retrieves a range definition to represent a cell based on a (row, col) cell location pair. The returned definition uses the RxxCx:RxxCx notation (example : R10C1:R10C1).

HRESULT CellToRangeAX([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
retrieves a range definition to represent a cell based on a (row, col) cell location pair. The returned definition uses the Ax:Ax notation (example : A2:A2).

HRESULT AreaToRangeR1C1([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
retrieves a range definition to represent an area based on a rectangular (row1, col1)-(row2, col2) boundary. The returned definition uses the RxxCx:RyyCy notation (example : R10C1:R12C13).

HRESULT AreaToRangeAXAX([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]BSTR* cellrange);
retrieves a range definition to represent an area based on a rectangular (row1, col1)-(row2, col2) boundary. The returned definition uses the Ax:Ax notation (example : A2:B5).

HRESULT HorizontalPane([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetPane** pane);
retrieves the horizontal pane used to split or freeze panes horizontally.

HRESULT VerticalPane([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetPane** pane);
retrieves the vertical pane used to split or freeze panes vertically.

HRESULT CellType([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] enumDataType* datatype);
retrieves the data type of the value in the cell. returns a enumDataType enumeration.

HRESULT CellMetadataType([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] enumMetadataType* datatype);
retrieves the metadata type of the value in the cell. An hyperlink is an example of metadata. returns a enumMetadataType enumeration.

HRESULT TabColor([out, retval] int* nRGB);
retrieves the color of the worksheet tab. Only works with Excel XP and up. See colors for information on how colors are defined.

HRESULT TabColor([in]int nRGB);
sets the color of the worksheet tab. Only works with Excel XP and up. See colors for information on how to pass a color.

HRESULT NewChart([in]enumChartType type, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval] IXlsChart** chart);
creates a chart object.

HRESULT NewDynamicRange([in]BSTR name, [out, retval]IXlsDynamicRange** range);
creates a dynamic range object. The passed name must be unique among known named ranges.

HRESULT DynamicRange([in]BSTR name, [out, retval]IXlsDynamicRange** range);
retrieves an existing dynamic range.

HRESULT Date([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* date);
gets the date from a cell. Returns an empty string if the cell is not a date/time.

HRESULT Date([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BSTR date);
puts a date in a cell. Day/Month must be expressed using user desktop locale settings, i.e. January if you are using an English desktop locale.

HRESULT NewComment([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]IXlsComment** comment);
creates a comment object.

HRESULT DeclareUserDefinedFunction([in]BSTR functionname);
declares a user-defined function. Mandatory in order to be able to use user-defined functions in formulas.

HRESULT Pictures([out, retval] IXlsPictures** pictures);
retrieves the pictures collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT CalculateFormula([in]int row, [in]int col);
calculates formula stored in the given cell. Returns an error is the formula could not be calculated, otherwise the value is accessible from regular properties.

HRESULT CalculateFormulas;
calculates all formulas in the worksheet.

HRESULT Import([out, retval]IXlsWorksheetImport** importer);
retrieves the worksheet import object. Can be used to import external data.

HRESULT DuplicateFrom([in]IXlsWorksheet* worksheet);
duplicates the content of the passed worksheet into the current worksheet. All previous content is replaced.

HRESULT Shapes([out, retval] IXlsShapes** shapes);
retrieves the shapes collection in the worksheet. Shapes represent vector shapes, charts, pictures, ...

HRESULT NewVisualComponent([in]BSTR progId, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset, [out, retval]IXlsVisualComponent** component)
inserts a visual component identified by its globally unique progId.

HRESULT Workbook([out, retval]IXlsWorkbook** workbook);
returns the workbook.

HRESULT FormattedLabel([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BSTR* label);
gets the formatted label from a cell (applies formatted number, formatted date).

HRESULT IsHorizontalPageBreak([in]int row, [out, retval]BOOL* bPageBreak);
returns whether the row is an horizontal page break at the specified row of the current worksheet.

HRESULT IsVerticalPageBreak([in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bPageBreak);
returns whether the column is a vertical page break at the specified column of the current worksheet.

HRESULT IsCellInsidePrintArea([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bInsidePrintArea);
returns true if the cell identified by (row, col) is inside a print area of the worksheet. Returns always true if the worksheet has no defined print area.

HRESULT StyleComposedFromLocation([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
returns the composed style from a cell, resulting from custom formatting, number format coloring and conditional formatting. This method differs from StyleFromLocation() in that it returns in the same style instance the cell formatting and the conditional formatting applied to it.

HRESULT PrintWith([in]BSTR printerName, [in]BSTR optionalVirtualPrinterFilename);
prints the worksheet. The first parameter passed is the printer name and is mandatory. The second parameter is optional and is useful for virtual printers, such as a PDF printer (you can pass an empty string).

HRESULT PrintPreview([out, retval] IXlsPrintPreview** preview);
prints preview the worksheet.

HRESULT UnmergeCell([in]int row, [in]int col);
removes the merge flag from the cell identified by its row and column.

HRESULT DataValidations([out, retval] IXlsDataValidations** datavalidations);
retrieves the data validation rules collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT Cell([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsCell** cell);
returns the cell object identified by its row and column. See html cells for more info.

HRESULT NewPictureInMemory([in]VARIANT inputBytearray, [in]enumPictureType picType, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset);
inserts a picture whose buffer is passed as a byte array.

HRESULT ConditionalFormattings([out, retval] IXlsConditionalFormattings** conditionalformattings);
retrieves the conditional formattings collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT DeleteComment([in]int row, [in]int col);
deletes a comment object existing at the location defined by (row, col).

HRESULT DeleteComments();
deletes all comments.

HRESULT NewTable([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval] IXlsTable** table);
creates a table at the specified location.

HRESULT DeleteFormulas();
delete the formulas (values in cells are kept intact).

HRESULT NewTextBox([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset, [out, retval]IXlsTextBox** textbox);
inserts a floating text box.

HRESULT Charts([out, retval] IXlsCharts** charts);
returns the collection of charts.

HRESULT Comments([out, retval] IXlsComments** comments);
returns the collection of comments.

HRESULT AutoFilters([out, retval] IXlsAutoFilter** autofilter);
returns the collection of auto-filters.

HRESULT Hyperlinks([out, retval] IXlsHyperlinks** hyperlinks);
returns the collection of hyperlinks.

HRESULT AddWorksheetAfter([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
adds a worksheet after the current worksheet. The passed name is the name of the new worksheet. The following characters are forbidden : / \\ : * [ ], and the name must be less than 32 characters long.

HRESULT AddWorksheetBefore([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsWorksheet** worksheet);
adds a worksheet before the current worksheet. The passed name is the name of the new worksheet. The following characters are forbidden : / \\ : * [ ], and the name must be less than 32 characters long.

HRESULT Type([out, retval] enumWorksheetType* sheetType);
get the worksheet type.

HRESULT TextBoxes([out, retval] IXlsTextBoxes** tbs);
retrieves the text box collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT Tables([out, retval] IXlsTables** tables);
retrieves the table collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT InsertTableAt([in]IXlsTable* table, [in]int row, [in]int col);
inserts a table's data at the specified location in the worksheet. This mechanism allows to copy/paste a table from one worksheet into another.

HRESULT NewList([out, retval] IXlsList** list);
creates a new list object.

HRESULT DeleteContents();
deletes the contents of the worksheet (cells, pictures, charts, conditional formattings, ...).

HRESULT NewVectorShape([in]enumVectorShape shapeType, [in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [in]int topoffset, [in]int leftoffset, [in]int bottomoffset, [in]int rightoffset, [out, retval]IXlsVectorShape** shape);
inserts a floating vector shape.

HRESULT VBAMacros([out, retval]BSTR* macros);
returns the VBA macros in plain text

HRESULT VectorShapes([out, retval] IXlsVectorShapes** vss);
retrieves the vector shapes collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT VBASheetName([out, retval]BSTR* sheetName);
returns the corresponding VBA sheet name for storing/editing/running macros.

HRESULT IsFormulaCalculated([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* bCalculated);
returns whether the formula in cell(row,col) is calculated. Applies to cells storing a formula. When it returns FALSE, a call to CalculateFormula() is necessary before actually getting the cell value.

HRESULT CellColumnFromAx([in]BSTR cell, [out, retval]int* column);
returns the column from a cell expressed in Ax notation. For instance, if "E10" is passed, the method call returns 5 because E is the fifth column.

HRESULT NewWhatIfTable([in]int row1, [in]int col1, [in]int row2, [in]int col2, [out, retval]IXlsWhatIfTable** wit);
inserts a what-if table.

HRESULT NewScenario([out, retval] IXlsScenario** scenario);
creates a new scenario object.

HRESULT OLEObjects([out, retval]IXlsOLEObjects** oleobjects);
returns the OLE objects collection.

HRESULT NewVectorShapeInPixels([in]enumVectorShape shapeType, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsVectorShape** shape);
inserts a floating vector shape with parameters expressed in pixels.

HRESULT NewPictureInPixels([in]BSTR filename, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right);
inserts a picture whose filename is passed in the first parameter. Other parameters are expressed in pixels.

HRESULT NewPictureInMemoryInPixels([in]VARIANT inputBytearray, [in]enumPictureType picType, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right);
inserts a picture whose buffer is passed as a byte array. Other parameters are expressed in pixels.

HRESULT NewChartInPixels([in]enumChartType type, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval] IXlsChart** chart);
creates a chart object. Other parameters are expressed in pixels.

HRESULT NewVisualComponentInPixels([in]BSTR progId, [in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsVisualComponent** component);
inserts a visual component identified by its globally unique progId. Other parameters are expressed in pixels.

HRESULT NewTextBoxInPixels([in]int top, [in]int left, [in]int bottom, [in]int right, [out, retval]IXlsTextBox** textbox);
inserts a floating text box. Other parameters are expressed in pixels.

HRESULT Sparklines([out, retval]IXlsSparklines** sparklines);
returns the sparklines objects collection.

HRESULT NamedStyle([in]BSTR name, [out, retval] IXlsStyle** style);
returns the corresponding named style.

HRESULT UsedRange([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
returns the used range in the worksheet.

HRESULT Boolean([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]BOOL b);
puts a boolean value (true or false) in a cell.

HRESULT Boolean([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]BOOL* b);
gets the boolean value (true or false) from a cell, if applicable.

HRESULT FormulaError([in]int row, [in]int col, [in]enumFormulaError n);
puts a formula error such as #DIV/0! in a cell.

HRESULT FormulaError([in]int row, [in]int col, [out, retval]enumFormulaError* n);
gets the formula error from a cell, if applicable, or formulaerror_none if not applicable.

HRESULT SelectionRange([out, retval]IXlsRange** range);
returns the selected cell range in the worksheet.

HRESULT NewPivotTable([out, retval] IXlsPivotTable** pivotTable);
creates a new pivot table object.

HRESULT DeleteHyperlinks();
deletes all hyperlinks in the worksheet.

HRESULT FormControls([out, retval] IXlsFormControls** controls);
retrieves the form controls collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT ProtectedRanges([out, retval] IXlsProtectedRanges** pr);
retrieves the protected range collection in the worksheet.

HRESULT ActivePane([in]enumWorksheetPane pane);
sets the active pane.

HRESULT ActivePane([out, retval]enumWorksheetPane* pane);
retrieves the active pane.

HRESULT PivotTables([out, retval] IXlsPivotTables** pivottables);
retrieves the pivot tables collection in the worksheet.